I have configured multi-language in my SXA environment. The default language is English (en) when I created my site. I want to support LTR in English language and RTL in other language.

When I try to export the theme in English language and made my changes I found that the English theme overrides the other language theme and vice versa.

So how can I support multiple language styling with SXA?

  • Blob field (/sitecore/templates/System/Media/Unversioned/File/Media/Blob ) is a shared field, how would you manage multiple versions? Are you talking about media items or content items (style items under Presentation/Styles)? Commented Nov 8, 2017 at 15:23
  • what i need to change is the css and style to be diff between the two language Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 13:41

1 Answer 1


what I need to change is the css and style to be diff between the two language

Media field is shared thus you cannot do it right now.(by default theme's media items are unversioned).

enter image description here

Have you tried to define different directions in common CSS and enable it depending on a lang attribute in html tag?

enter image description here

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