I'm using Sitecore 8.2 update 5 and I'm having an issue with unsubscribe page.

When I click on the Unsubscribe link generated by EXM with redirectPage url:

.../sitecore modules/Web/EXM/RedirectUrlPage.aspx?ec_eq=eTdvBcWiA4b1cQPHOnBEhBBe2b4LHDlSaQsEm32D3QaxxCmzarXlhcI7ohNgDTHnFiMUrfsJStslV2YgyB2vZRhluh%2f7eFzZgSlrYXGyFFqPKPTGkoOekYTrgRB6WspV6qHmnjCWfS0Nj3jcv2DAL8S%2flzfM9va0AchGzczf6DokEsIZaINa%2fH8XJzfr4Nyumm2zo%2bO9Wqoa3I0OQbPjiLC3sjDBxTIR5ElmAY1QGb543BW%2fQZv0zHekZAkXXzJbaNOOH4lIANfHo0bEi0gA%2fpKoOKHW0eVMGQtoR40fmsS2F1U7Hh2pGk%2fNXdpUZGRn6ymohEC9%2b7Cxyz1g4kMUXQcMsO0AOX2YeDOwvOiQxhc%3d

After load on the page the website return 404..


Any ideas?


  • 1
    Are you running a multi server environment? and if so, have the EXM files been deployed to the CD servers?
    – Mark Cassidy
    Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 11:59
  • 1
    Was this an EXM upgrade? Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 15:26
  • Any errors in the EXM or Sitecore log files? Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 16:20
  • Are you running a multi server environment? - No, it's just one server. **EXM files been deployed to the CD servers? **- yes... Any errors in the EXM or Sitecore log files? - No, just on firefox network
    – nickydias
    Commented Jan 10, 2018 at 19:22

2 Answers 2


I've solved the problem.

when you create a unsubscribe link on EXM 3.5, you have to use '/sitecore modules/Web/EXM/Unsubscribe.aspx'.

EXM 3.4 (or less) use '/sitecore/Unsubscribe.aspx'.


A while back I had a similar issue, however, in my case it was due to the Base URL field configured in EXM being incorrect.

See more info here :



  • Hi @Adhir Ramjiawan, yes, it's right the url because the subscription confirmation and notification are working, just the unsubscribe is crashed.
    – nickydias
    Commented Jan 11, 2018 at 12:46

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