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Questions tagged [account]

For questions related to Sitecore's user account handling and related Roles.

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Permissions for Content Editor Ribbons

I've been trying to grant access to the Configure ribbon (specifically the Template strip) in Content Editor to a role which currently can't see it. I've been trying to do this through read ...
Ron Ritchie's user avatar
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Which event to extend when a role is added to user

I would like to log when a role is added or removed for a user. But none of these methods are being triggered on such use cases. patch.config: <sitecore> <events> <event name=&...
sukesh's user avatar
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3 answers

Is adding a Domain in config necessary while creating users programmatically

I have not added my custom domain in Domains.config. I'm able to create the users programmatically by passing the domain name as a hardcoded string to the method. The users are listed in User Manager....
sukesh's user avatar
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Correct way to Sign out a user programmatically

I'm working on an application which has custom admin pages in CMS and also the front-end website. Both these have the Sign-out feature and this is the method being used to sign out the user. ...
sukesh's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any problems with using email addresses as IDs?

I am thinking of using an email address as a login ID for Sitecore (CMS). In the settings <setting name="AccountNameValidation", value=".*"> , any character can be used. We ...
Kato Tetsuya's user avatar
2 votes
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How to perform a faster search on User list

I'm trying to fetch a user by its custom profile property. The code times out because there are more than 100000 records. So, I wrote a second method, which seems a little better, but maybe because ...
sukesh's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Search not working for Sitecore User Field

Using Sitecore 8.0. The template has a field "Author" of field type "Sitecore User". I have created an Item of this template. On clicking Select for "Author", it shows a dialog - "Associate Sitecore ...
sukesh's user avatar
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4 votes
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Add profile image for Sitecore user

Can we add profile images for the Sitecore user. When a user is created, I can only see the option to assign an icon from a preset list. My project is a blogging site, where every blogger is a ...
sukesh's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Why does Sitecore insist on generating a new password to provide the 'old' password, when setting a new password

If I need to change a Sitecore user's password, the dialog requires that I submit the old password at the same time. Often I don't know the old password, so within the same dialog I can generate a new ...
Paul George's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Server Role for SQL Server Account?

Connecting to SQL Server I currently have set the Server Role sysadmin on the account accessing SQL Server where I'm about to host Sitecore databases. My guess is that it's way to much privileges for ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar