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4 answers

Adding a CM User from External System to Sitecore

I am using Sitecore 10.1, there is a business requirements to allow external system to add CM users to Sitecore so my question is: Is there an API that we can access to add the users in Sitecore?
NAli's user avatar
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How to setup authentication when using a combination of Azure AD and a custom database to store user accounts?

I am using SXC 9.0.2. I have an Azure AD and would like to let Azure AD accounts access both the Content Editor and the Commerce Business Tools. End-users will also need to sign-in - these users will ...
ebug's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting User Roles from Username

How do I get User Roles based on Username? UserRoles roles = user.Roles; string role = roles.GetEnumerator().ToString(); If I have a user, I can get it like this. But how do I get the roles when all ...
vinodshetty's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to send email, when users roles change - User Manager customization

I've been tasked with an interesting challenge. The client wants a user to be sent an email informing them when they have been assigned to a specific role by an Admin. What will be the best way to ...
user1924455's user avatar