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Custom boosting rule for scopes to boost by time passed since last update

I am trying to implement a custom boosting rule (as described here) for the site search scope, where an item should be boosted by the time passed since last updated. For the record - we already ...
z00mable's user avatar
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Sitecore Search Scope Boosting - 400 Bad request

I have created a search scope that works very well. But I would like to make the search box to search the items based on the field value. So I add a new rule in the boosting section and it throws a ...
Jack Noob's user avatar
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How to implement boost rules for SXA search results in Sitecore

We are using Sitecore 9.0 (solr 5.0), soon migrating to 10.2 (solr 6.3). I am referring Sitecore documents -
SummiJ's user avatar
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Inconsistent behavior when use Solr boosting

I'm using Sitecore 9.3 and Solr 8.1.1, I have this simple query q=itemName_t:(*test*)^80&fl=itemName_t,_templateID,score&fq=_indexname:(custom_index)&wt=xml And these are the results: ...
Mohamed Yaseen's user avatar
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Solr QueryElevationComponent being ignored

I'm trying to set up "best bets" in a Sitecore 9.3 environment. I set up the Solr Query Elevation Component following the instructions at this URL:
Tim's user avatar
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Boosting items by its own field values

I'm using Sitecore 9.3 and Solr 8.2.1, I had Solr index-time boosting in my old search implementation, but after I upgraded to a new Solr version, it is deprecated now. Imagine I have an item with ...
Mohamed Yaseen's user avatar
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Programmatically boost items in an index does not work

I have this code: public class ResolveDemoBoostFactor : BaseResolveItemBoostPipelineProcessor { public override void Process(ResolveItemBoostArgs args) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(...
Anthony Fernandes's user avatar
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Rule based boosting at the field level

We are using Sitecore 9.1, Solr 7.7 and are NOT using SXA. I tried creating a boosting rule and associated the rule with the template. The rule is as below: where the page title field contains bills ...
Anthony Fernandes's user avatar
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Boosting the sxa search result by multilist field values

I have a requirement where I have to boost the items in search result based on a multilist field values of the item. I have already added the target value of those multilist values to the Index using ...
Christopher Raja's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Boosting Search Results

I was disheartened to see this in the Sitecore docs: Important Search result boosting works in Solr version 6.6 or earlier, but Solr changed the implementation in Solr 7, and later versions. ...
Ethan Schofer's user avatar
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SXA Boosting by multiple query

I'm using Sitecore 9.1 and SXA 1.8, I'm using SXA boosting rule of where the field contains Search Box query, this rule doesn't work when the Search Box query is multiple words that are not in order. ...
Mohamed Yaseen's user avatar
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Boost search results by field value

I'm using Sitecore 9.1 and SXA 1.8, Is it possible to boost the search results by a specific field value? What I see in SXA boosting rules that you adjust boost by adding a value statically, I want ...
Mohamed Yaseen's user avatar
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Keyword search with field level boosting and spatial search

Sitecore 9.3 I want to boost a result based on a field containing a keyword and it's working absolutely fine with the below query. var keywordQuery = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>(); ...
Arvind Gehlot's user avatar