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Unicorn 4.1.1 Habitat 1.8 (Sitecore 9.2) Sync error [closed]

I'm trying to sync Unicorn (4.1.1) on Habitat 1.8 (Sitecore 9.2). I'm running Visual Studio 2019 as Admin and PowerShell execution policy is for CurrentUser = Bypass and for LocalMachine = ...
Ercan Polat's user avatar
-1 votes
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Installed Habitat, Unicorn.aspx missing

I've got the Habitat source for Sitecore 9.1 from I was a bit surprised that Unicorn.aspx was missing from the code. I was thinking it should be part ...
Steve Ward's user avatar
0 votes
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Check boxes for Unicorn Sync on Helix Projects not shown

On my machine, I am able to sync all content across all Helix projects On my colleagues machine, she doesn't see any check boxes or projects at all with no error displayed. According to Kamsar, ...
Steve Ward's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Exception when running step 05-Sync-Unicorn in Habitat - HMAC provided by client: MicroCHAP.SignatureResult

I have a Habitat Solution for Sitecore 9.0 Update 1. Trying to run auto Sync "05-Sync-Unicorn". when I ran this task, getting below warning in the log file: [Unicorn-Auth] CHAP authentication ...
Jitendra's user avatar
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Sitecore Habitat Demo Repsitory [closed]

I have cloned Sitecore Demo repository from github. I have also cloned Sitecore Habitat repository with TDS from here. I have followed the steps mentioned for habitat and able to deploy solution ...
Mohit Dharmadhikari's user avatar
2 votes
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Sync-Unicorn' errored "Cannot read property '0' of undefined at unicorn.js" error while setting up Habitat

I am setting up habitat and I was going to installation instructions. When I run “default” task from Visual Studio 2015 Task Runner Explorer, I get the following error. 00:04:18] '05-Sync-Unicorn' ...
Gowthamreddy Tirumalareddy's user avatar
2 votes
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Sitecore Habitat Unicorn Sync Issue

I'm getting an error during the gulp step to sync Unicorn while trying to set up Habitat. Here is the error in the unicorn console: ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (...
Teeknow's user avatar
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6 votes
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Sitecore Habitat - GULP is not running sync unicorn task and neither giving any error

In Sitecore habitat project, I am running task '05-Sync-Unicorn' in VS task running explorer but it does nothing and just displays "Starting '05-Sync-Unicorn'" in console (even doesn't produce any ...
S.Kazmi's user avatar
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4 votes
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Error setting up Habitat instance of Sitecore with "Could not instantiate event handler." error

While setting up an instance of the Habitat demo site, I have followed all the steps as in the past but when the Sync Unicorn Gulp task begins, it exits with the following error: Could not ...
Sirius_B's user avatar
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