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Questions tagged [habitat]

Questions on Habitat - the implementation ( For questions on the Helix guidelines themselves, use the helix tag.

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Mock SiteSettingsProvider with Glass Mapper

Does anyone know how I can go about mocking the SiteSettingsProvider in Habitat? Item sitecoreItem= mvcContext.GetContextItem<Item>(); Item settingsItem= settingsProvider.GetSetting(...
gadgetgem's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Sitecore 9.2 Campaign Creator not showing data in experience analytics

Not sure why the out of the box feature of sitecore didnt work in one go :) so need a little help here Problem statement I have created a simple campaign via campaign creator Associated that campaign ...
Sachin Dabas's user avatar
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Document not found issue in Sitecore 10 in every sitecore panel

ERROR Exception when executing agent aggregation/aggregator Exception: Sitecore.XConnect.XdbCollectionUnavailableException Message: The HTTP response was not successful: Forbidden Source: Sitecore.Xdb....
Divyansh Gupta's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Issue while Setup Habitat 1.8.1 on Sitecore 9.2 "Error: spawn C:\Windows\\Framework64\v(not used)\msbuild.exe ENOENT"

I face an issue while setup Habitat 1.8.1 on Sitecore 9.2 I'm using Visual Studio 2019 installed in 'D' drive, not in 'C' drive, node 10.18.0, gulp CLI version: 2.3.0, gulp Local version: 3.9.1. I ...
Mohamed saad's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Issue in loading Gulp Tasks in VS.NET 2019 "Failed to load"

I have installed Habitat successfully and I have the Sitecore 9.2 running successfully. I have node (v14.4.0) gulp verion: CLI (2.3.0) Local (3.9.1) But I am stuck in VS.NET2019 after opening the ...
mohamed's user avatar
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'Powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I have installed Sitecore Habitat V1.8.1 while run Default in Task run Explorer faced below issue. Error : 'Powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command, Operable program or ...
Rameshkumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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When using Gulp to build a solution, what does “MSBuild failed with code 1” mean?

I am getting error in Gulp while build the solutions. I already given a permission for folder or sub folder and also update the gulp-config.js. var config = { websiteRoot: instanceRoot + "\\"...
Vikash sah's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Habitat - what is the purpose of multisite foundation?

Please explain me on what is the usage of Multisite project which is present inside the foundation layer of Habitat architecture. By default in sitecore.config we can able to add any new sites ...
Jeyanth Praveenkumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Preview mode redirects to Desktop

I have few local Sitecore installations, on both of the installations, the Publish/Preview mode redirects the site to Sitecore Desktop. The third installation redirects as expected to a Preview page. ...
Ercan Polat's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Cannot create identity provider with nonexistent Sitecore domain "Facebook"

After publishing the fresh Habitat project to Sitecore 9.1.1 fresh instance, I am facing the below error. I tried but failed to solve this issue. Any help would be appreciated. Cannot create identity ...
Aravindan's user avatar
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Unable to resolve service for type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[Client.Feature.Membership.Services.FacetUpdaters.IContactFacetUpdater]'

I'm trying to replicate the federated auth from habitat using the Facebook example, and parlay that into auth with Salesforce. I can't get around this dependency injection error though. Starting with ...
MikeD's user avatar
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Unicorn 4.1.1 Habitat 1.8 (Sitecore 9.2) Sync error [closed]

I'm trying to sync Unicorn (4.1.1) on Habitat 1.8 (Sitecore 9.2). I'm running Visual Studio 2019 as Admin and PowerShell execution policy is for CurrentUser = Bypass and for LocalMachine = ...
Ercan Polat's user avatar
0 votes
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The compiler failed with error code 255

Running into this issue when I publish to IIS. I created a new feature module in my habitat/helix sitecore solution. Everything builds correctly in my gulp tasks but when the site is publish out to ...
scouty's user avatar
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PopulateManagedSchema during installation returns error 500

I am trying to clone habitat version on my machine but I am getting following issue, What can be the reason for this error? Error requesting http://sitename/sitecore/admin/...
Bhawna Jain's user avatar
1 vote
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Install-SitecoreConfiguration : One or more errors returned from Solr request

I have cloned following Habitat project on my local environment: And here is the link stating that solr 7.2.1 is supported
Bhawna Jain's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Installed Habitat, Unicorn.aspx missing

I've got the Habitat source for Sitecore 9.1 from I was a bit surprised that Unicorn.aspx was missing from the code. I was thinking it should be part ...
Steve Ward's user avatar
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Class Library projects in Habitat Solution are not being published

I have a solution using Habitat structure and Using Gulp for deployment. My solution contains a Web project and also class library projects. When I use Gulp scripts for deployment web project dlls are ...
Sudheer Kumar Suggu's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting issue while setting up Sitecore Habitat 9.0 Update 2 [duplicate]

I'm following this article( SC9 Install ) to set up Habitat with SC9.0.2 but getting below errors at InstallWDP:WebDeploy step: I have installed all required software via Web platform installer but ...
Sukhjeevan's user avatar
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Problems installing Sitecore Habitat

I am trying to setup Sitecore Habitat, i.e. just get it running and nothing else. I have followed the installation instructions meticulously but have been met with nothing but trouble. Not quite my ...
user3700562's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'MongoDB.Bson, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies

I have installed Sitecore 8.2 Update 7 in my machine and I have downloaded Habitat 1.5 (Sitecore 8.2 Update-4) release from github and trying to configure with my Sitecore instance. While running ...
Vijayarajan's user avatar
1 vote
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Is Habitat Implementation using ReactJs, for all (3) Sitecore Headless Modes available?

Is there any reference implementation available from Sitecore or 3rd Party for Sitecore Headless Mode (API Mode, Integrated Mode, SSR Mode) & React Js. I am expecting a sample project like ...
Sivalingaamorthy's user avatar
3 votes
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Could not find configuration node: databases/database[@id='core']

Im new to Sitecore and I'm trying to get create a new instance for a existing solution. I think I have it almost built but I'm running into a issue when I use the default route of "/sitecore". Im ...
scouty's user avatar
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DOT NET framework version in Habitat 1.7 for Sitecore 9.1

I installed Habitat 1.7 for Sitecore 9.1. Whenever I open web.config file of any module, its showing DOT NET framework as <system.web> <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.2" /...
SurendrA SharmA's user avatar
3 votes
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How to set workflows in a Sitecore environment with SXA and Helix?

We are working on a Sitecore 8.2 project which is based on Helix and SXA. Now we want to implement Sitecore workflows. As of definition of Helix, you set them on page/data templates in the project ...
Lars-Pascal Körber's user avatar
15 votes
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Should Habitat be used as a starter kit?

I have seen some really great examples at how to build a website using Habitat. In many ways it contains a good percentage of features that I need. Is this something that is production-ready and ...
Michael West's user avatar
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Page Creation role in Sitecore Habitat

In the Sitecore Habitat implementation, I am looking for a role that is allowed to create/rename and delete items. I see the role habitat\Project Habitat Content Author, that is only allowed to read ...
staccata's user avatar
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How to install sitecore Habitat's "visits detail panel" on other sitecore site

I'm just wondering if it is possible to install/enable sitecore Habitat's visits detail panel onto our own (testing) website that is not sitecore helix compliance ?
Roman Loh's user avatar
2 votes
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Habitat multisite solution structure example

I've created my own helix based solution on the habitat project and I need to support multiple sites in this solution. But I don't know how to structure the Project folder here I need to create is the ...
squadwuschel's user avatar
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Base Controller in Habitat

We are using habitat in our project. In most of our controller class of each feature, we are doing a same service call. So we are planning to have a Base Controller to avoid duplicates. Since we ...
PVM's user avatar
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2 answers

After deploying Habitat to Azure I am getting rendering error

While opening the item in the Experience editor I am getting a lot of errors like the below: Error Rendering View: /Views/MediaFeature/LightboxVideo.cshtml: Error while rendering view: '/Views/...
peter bardawil's user avatar
2 votes
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Sitecore 9 as offline installer

I have to setup Sitecore 9 Update 1 on the VM machine where no internet is available due to company policies. I have installed rest of the dependent tools like VS 2017, SQL Server 2017, SOLR and other ...
SurendrA SharmA's user avatar
1 vote
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Sync.ps1 is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system

I'm using Sitecore 9 (Update 2) and have installed Powershell module as well. Did anyone come across this while running the Unicorn task? [09:10:57] Starting 'Sync-Unicorn'... Error: C:\Sitecore\...
Vamshi's user avatar
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Catalog Management is empty after HabitatHome Commerce Setup

I do no see the Catalog Management(sitecore > Commerce > Catalog Management) showing up any data. This is after done with the setup of Habitat Home commerce on Sitecore commerce 9 update 2. All the ...
Amitabh's user avatar
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Sitecore habitat build fails in vsts

I would like to setup CI/CD for sitecore habitat project for learning purpose. I'm able to restore the nuget package but build is not succeeding.Below is my build definition. I have not done any ...
arjunan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Install Sitecore 9.0 update 2 encountered warnings

I'm trying to install Habitat on my machine, according to this instruction 01-Getting-Started. However when I look back the script log, I got as bellow message Should we skip these warning messages ...
QuachNguyen's user avatar
4 votes
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Could not get pipeline: canShowEditor (domain: ExperienceEditor) [closed]

I am getting the following error after installing the Habitat solution for Sitecore 9, from , and pointing it at a clean Sitecore install... Could ...
user3434's user avatar
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What does mean of "You have not been profiled yet"? How to list user into any profile?

How we can assign one profile/pattern to logged-in/non loggedin user of sitecore As I understood , if we set the Profile card on any Sitecore page and then use personalization by pattern card and ...
Shailesh's user avatar
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Habitat gulp default task copies all files

After downloading the habitat feature branch from github, running the gulp task 'default' copies over every file within a project file (.cs, .csproj, etc) into the web root rather than just the files ...
Tony's user avatar
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Unable to Update Data Templates in Sitecore Commerce 9

I just installed a fresh instance of Sitecore Commerce 9.0 Update 1 and then start to play with Habitat Home (content and commerce). After installing all stuff when I go to the Content Editor under ...
Constantin N's user avatar
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Multiple fields with the same name in Habitat

In Habitat, I defined two templates: _idenity and _footer, and each of them has the same field name but different ID values,for example IDA and IDB. The start root item inherits both these templates. ...
Ton Huynh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to debug Sitecore Helix Feature using Visual Studio 2017?

I'd like to debug a Sitecore Helix Feature using Visual Studio 2017. Is it possible or just the Website Project?
grilosape's user avatar
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Check boxes for Unicorn Sync on Helix Projects not shown

On my machine, I am able to sync all content across all Helix projects On my colleagues machine, she doesn't see any check boxes or projects at all with no error displayed. According to Kamsar, ...
Steve Ward's user avatar
10 votes
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Initialize service in pipeline to be available through one httprequest

We're using Sitecore 8.2, habitat. I have a service that I need to use throughout a full HTTP Request. This service should be instantiated once (we use dependancy injection) and then be available ...
Erik J.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Exception when running step 05-Sync-Unicorn in Habitat - HMAC provided by client: MicroCHAP.SignatureResult

I have a Habitat Solution for Sitecore 9.0 Update 1. Trying to run auto Sync "05-Sync-Unicorn". when I ran this task, getting below warning in the log file: [Unicorn-Auth] CHAP authentication ...
Jitendra's user avatar
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Sitecore Habitat Setup Issue | Error: not found : python2

All, I am facing below issue when I execute npm install while setting up new habitat instance by following the steps as detailed in Can ...
Suhas's user avatar
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LocalDatasource computed field feature not working for particular template

We're making use of the LocalDatasource module in our build. It works fine apart from one particular template. The local_datasource_content field gets populated on the master index, but it is empty ...
David Masters's user avatar
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Habitat Gulpfile.js error in Visual Studio but OK on Cmd Line

In the Task Runner Explorer, gulpfile.js is failing to load, and in the output window I'm seeing gulp.task('CI-html', () => { ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token ) If I comment ...
Steve Ward's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Excluding files like web.config when using publishing in VS 2017

I am trying to find out how to exclude files when using the publishing feature in VS (2017 to be exact). The documentation is not great, but it seems adding <ItemGroup> <Content ...
Morten Ljungberg's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there any way to avoid duplicated TDS files/items in Helix based solution?

We have a solution based on Helix principles and we have separated TDS projects per Feature. For instance like this: Search sitecore/templates/Feature/Search/ Navigation sitecore/templates/Feature/...
Tamás Tárnok's user avatar
8 votes
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Benefit of dynamic binding for components like header and footer

Is there really any benefit of having header and footer assembled through dynamic binding (placeholder) in comparison to static binding. Sitecore habitat project based on helix uses a lot of common ...
rdhaundiyal's user avatar