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17 votes

Options for handling user-generated content

Things to keep in mind Whenever you have a site with user-generated content, you need to make sure that you keep the following in mind: Security is both more important and more difficult If storing ...
Zachary Kniebel's user avatar
17 votes

How do I set session timeouts in Sitecore?

There are potentially 3 places in the web.config to modify to extend session timeout: <!-- AUTHENTICATION CLIENT SESSION TIMEOUT Specifies the number of minutes before Sitecore considers user ...
sestocker's user avatar
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16 votes

What is the datetime format used by Sitecore's Date / DateTime field types and how can I generate this from a regular DateTime object

Scroll to the bottom for the updated answer This format (with T in the middle and ending with Z) is called by Sitecore ShortIsoDateTime. I don't know if that is official name of it or not. You can ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
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15 votes

Create link as CD from CM

You can use targetHostName setting in your site definition. It tells Link Manager to use that host name while generating url. It doesn't change the way how sites are resolved on your CM and CD ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
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15 votes

Compare two branches of a Sitecore content tree

You may be able to package up both paths of the content tree and use something like WinMerge or Kdiff to do a item by item comparison, which might be quick and dirty but may be hard to wade thru ...
vandsh's user avatar
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14 votes

What is the fastest way to relocate lots of items in the tree?

Move the root item. Step 1 Step 2 Result EDIT: Included to add this And yes, as you point out in comments. Instead of publishing this change, execute this operation in both "master" and "web" (...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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8 votes

Content delivery setup - Lucene indexes

The main thing you need to set up is the Instance Names in your ScalabilitySettings.config file. The names can be anything they just need to be consistent between the CM and CD. You can leave ...
Ian Graham's user avatar
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8 votes

How to delete Invariant Language

You could do this with Unicorn (it will not fail, even with these rogue invariant item versions) but you can also achieve it with the built-in developer tools. Before you do, set your default system ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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7 votes

Common structure for multi-region, multi-lingual website setup

Although Sitecore has great support for multi-site and multilingual implementation, there is no 'silver bullet' design that works for every situation. Below I described four options we use for our ...
Dmitry Harnitski's user avatar
7 votes

Audit log for seeing who updated content when

Audit information is available in the logs, and I thought there was a way to isolate them in a separate log file by changing log4net settings. But you could also use the Audit Trail module from the ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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7 votes

Compare two branches of a Sitecore content tree

While Vandsh's PowerShell script is very nice, I think I would use Unicorn and Beyond Compare. You can configure Unicorn to ignore fields as needed. Once your items are serialized, use Beyond Compare ...
Ben Golden's user avatar
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7 votes

How to differentiate between CD and CM?

Answer to this question will slightly vary on your Sitecore Version but I am listing out most common differentiating factors. If earlier both the environments were configured correctly than you can ...
Amitabh Vyas's user avatar
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6 votes

Unable to login to sitecore CM

One reason for this behavior may be having an httpCookies domain setting in web.config that doesn't match the domain you are using to login to the Sitecore client, or having httpCookies requireSSL set ...
Ben Verhees's user avatar
6 votes

Configure content management and content delivery on Sitecore 7.2

You can refer to the Sitecore Scaling Guide from SDN: P.s. Keep in mind that contains documentation only ...
Andrey Bobrov's user avatar
5 votes

How do I show non-published items on the Content Management server when not logged in?

There are a number of ways to go about this - it depends a little bit on how ambitious you want to be with this. One way is to configure a new site on your CM server (a Sitecore site definition), make ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I show non-published items on the Content Management server when not logged in?

You'll need to run your CM instance in Live Mode. Running a site in Live Mode means that it reads items directly from the Master database. At the same time, your web connection string is preserved ...
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
5 votes

Need to have different IIS Rewrite rule on CD and CM while using Sitecore Azure Module

Your CM and CD servers are available by different addresses.(e.g.: and It is possible to filter redirect rule before execution using {HTTP_HOST} variable: <rule name="...
Anton's user avatar
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5 votes

How to set a default page for a folder?

Quick and clean solution: Create a new template (called "Folder with default item" or whatever you prefer), inheriting from the standard Folder template Add a field to your custom folder (e.g. ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
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4 votes

Audit log for seeing who updated content when

The log file does contain audit entries, they are a bit hard to see by looking at the log files directly. You can use the Sitecore Log Analyzer from the Sitecore Market place to make it easier to see ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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4 votes

Lucene search in load balance environment is not showing proper results

The best way to fix this would be to move to SOLR - really its the safest way to ensure that the index is the same for all delivery servers. On top of that you get additional things like the query ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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4 votes

Audit log for seeing who updated content when

Just in case anyone lands here and needs to know of the non-out of the box options available to you here is a bit of a run down of ones I'm aware of/have used: 1) Sitecore Audit Trail This module ...
Adam Seabridge's user avatar
4 votes

Common structure for multi-region, multi-lingual website setup

This is a very subjective question as a lot will depend on your requirements. My general rule is: If the sitemap for all language versions of the site is the same with maybe a few minor differences, ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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4 votes

Prevent Content Editor from automatically switching ribbons

The contextual ribbon is controlled by the Ribbon field on the template of the item you are on. So for images, it would be on either the /sitecore/templates/System/Media/Unversioned/Image or /sitecore/...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Add Anchor Tag with Internal Link in The RTE Field?

I just attempted this in Sitecore 8.2 Update 5 with no issues. Here are the steps. Step 1 Open an Item with a Rich Text field and enter some text. Step 2 Select the text you want to use for your ...
sitecorerick's user avatar
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4 votes

Restrict access to the Package Installation Wizard

You can adjust the security rights In the core database item: /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start menu/Right/Development Tools/Install Package default: read right for ...
Jan Bluemink's user avatar
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4 votes

Anonymous users taking CM license spots

I have tried to reproduce the issue on my Sitecore 9.3 instance. And when I access the KickUser admin page (https://Your_Instance_url/sitecore/client/Applications/LicenseOptions/KickUser), this is ...
Julius A's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the fastest way to relocate lots of items in the tree?

Another super fast way to do this is using Sitecore Powershell Extensions found here in the Sitecore Marketplace ( SPE is ...
Toby Gutierrez's user avatar
3 votes

I'm looking to implement a better UI Solution for managing content

To start off, I would always recommend training for someone who needs to make use of a WCMS platform before they go in. There is always going to be so much involved. One option is using the sitecore ...
Anicho's user avatar
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3 votes

Create link as CD from CM

As Marek mentioned, you should set @targetHostName on /configuration/sitecore/sites/site in your Sitecore.config. Furthermore, you should create your UrlOptions object like this: UrlOptions ...
LaustN's user avatar
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3 votes

Audit log for seeing who updated content when

There is none, if you configured none. By that I mean, Sitecore does not keep an audit trail for item changes. There's a few bits of information you can scrape together, but you've already listed ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k

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