I have an issue that Lucene indexes are not updated or properly created on the content delivery server after a rebuild of the indexes on the content management server or after an item publish. The version I am using is Sitecore 8.1 rev. 151207 and I followed the documentation listed on https://doc.sitecore.net/sitecore_experience_platform/81/setting_up__maintaining/xdb/configuring_servers/configure_a_content_delivery_server to configure the content delivery server. As you would have guessed, Sitecore access is completely blocked on the CD server meaning a rebuild is not possible on that particular server.
I have the following situation:
- core
- master
- web (serves as the primary database for the content management server)
- pub (serves as the primary database for the content delivery server and a publishing target is defined for this database)
- Content delivery which fetches data from the pub database
- Content management which uses all other databases to administer Sitecore, but also functions as a staging environment and fetches data from the web database
Index configuration CM
Web lucene index is not disabled since the site is being used as a staging environment.
Index configuration CD
Added additional Lucene index configuration files for the pub database. Secondly disabled all the web index configuration files.
Could someone point me in the right direction on how to set up the Lucene index configuration on both CM and CD servers regarding my setup with the 'web' and 'pub' databases? Secondly can someone explain the mechanism how indexes are actually being updated on the content delivery server when content is updated on the content management server?