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15 votes

Compare two branches of a Sitecore content tree

You may be able to package up both paths of the content tree and use something like WinMerge or Kdiff to do a item by item comparison, which might be quick and dirty but may be hard to wade thru ...
vandsh's user avatar
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8 votes

Compare items between two instances

There are a few options included with SPE out-of-the-box which could aid in accomplishing this task. The detail below is produced with SPE 6.0 but much of it was available in previous versions. ...
Michael West's user avatar
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7 votes

Compare two branches of a Sitecore content tree

While Vandsh's PowerShell script is very nice, I think I would use Unicorn and Beyond Compare. You can configure Unicorn to ignore fields as needed. Once your items are serialized, use Beyond Compare ...
Ben Golden's user avatar
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5 votes

Sidekick Error on Sitecore and/or PowerShell

To answer your questions: There is no requirement that the Sitecore environments be on different servers, you could have any amount of Sitecore instances available for content consumption. Changing ...
Jeff Darchuk's user avatar
5 votes

Data re-writing from Sitecore 7.2 with SPE

You will need some sort of script to manipulate and transform the data from one form to another. You could do this using some C# code and utilising the Sitecore API but my personal preference would be ...
jammykam's user avatar
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5 votes

Compare items between two instances

Welcome to Sitecore stackexchange. RAZL RAZL - can be used to compare the items between two different Sitecore Instances. Please note this is a "paid" software. Another option is to use Sitecore ...
Abhay Dhar's user avatar
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4 votes

Sitecore 8.2 to Sitecore 10.1 Content Migration

I would recommend the Express Migration tool if you need the best performance. You can skip file and configuration migration steps and ...
Alexander's user avatar
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4 votes

How To: Refresh environment A(QA) from environment B(Prod) after they're out of sync

When we need to do this type of content refresh, we generally follow the below steps: Backup the PROD and QA master databases. Restore a backup of the PROD master database into the QA database server....
Dan Sinclair's user avatar
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3 votes

Data re-writing from Sitecore 7.2 with SPE

Here are a few options you can take: 1- Serialize the Sitecore items you want to move and deserialize on the new instance. 2- Write an SPE script which is what you suggested you are going to do ...
Diego's user avatar
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3 votes

Change links in rich text editor using powershell

I think you could make it work with something similar to what I have here. # GetItemByUrl function from
Jean-Nicolas G.'s user avatar
2 votes

Import large amount of items from excel

Disabling statistics when updating the item will improve performance, make sure you don't need this data: item.Editing.EndEdit(updateStatistics:true, silent:true); You can also wrap your code with ...
Miguel Minoldo's user avatar
2 votes

Migrate SQL DB to Azure SQL

We regularly move our bacpacs between azure and onsite. It is not unusual for these bacpacs to be greater than 11G. If SSMS is timing out, you may want to try to upload the bacpac to a storage ...
Jim Keane's user avatar
2 votes

Sitecore 8.2 to Sitecore 10.1 Content Migration

While there are other options available as seen by viewing questions with the content migration tag, Sitecore PowerShell Extensions may be a good option. With the following you can do a lot of content ...
Michael West's user avatar
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2 votes

How to migrate content from non sxa sitecore 8.2 to SXA based sitecore 10.2 version?

Here is the approach you can take to migrate the data from 8.2 to 10.2 Install Sitecore vanilla with SXA. Download the production master database Use RAZL to copy custom templates, Layouts, and ...
Sumit Bhatia's user avatar
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1 vote

Sitecore Migrate Content and Analytics From one Azure subscription to other

Option One Use RAZL by Sitecore which allows you to automate the deployment and synchronization of Sitecore items and databases between different environments. It's commonly used for tasks such as ...
Nikhil Kulkarni's user avatar
1 vote

Copy just new content and BLOBs from Live Master to another Environment

To bring data down from the Production environment to UAT and local I would use Sitecore Sidekick Content Migrator. This is a handy tool that you install in your instances and behind the scene's it ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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1 vote

Upgrade from Sitecore 9.0 initial version to Sitecore 9 update 2

Since you are already on Sitecore 9.0 Initial Update, I don't think you need to create packages and install on Update 2. And obviously since Express Migration Tool 3.1 doesn't support any targeted ...
Amitabh Vyas's user avatar
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