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11 votes

Tracking for profile not working after upgrade

The issue you have is that one or more of your profiles are corrupt. Either by renaming or deleting. Everything internal to Sitecore profiling works off of names, not profile keys item or pattern card ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
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8 votes

Sitecore Express Migration Tool skipping users and security group

This is a known issue : As a workaround for the issue, please consider deleting the {Express Migration Root folder}/Migration.db file before running the ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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7 votes

Migrate local Sitecore to Azure Cloud

The Sitecore Express Migration Tool helps you to migrate between different Sitecore versions. As soon as you have migrated to the version you need locally you deploy your solution to Azure. If you ...
Tamas Varga Sitecore's user avatar
3 votes

Can I restore the Recycle Bin from a backup after using the Express Migration Tool?

Express migration tool does not migrate your old archived items, So your option here is to manually move these data in SQL tables, You can check this answer here where they used SQL queries to migrate ...
Ahmed Okour's user avatar
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2 votes

Q: WFFM DefaultImpItemResolver contextDatabase is null

The solution to the answer as in the Sitecore event handler pipeline. Our project had a custom event that initialized a constructor that threw and exception. This made the entire event pipeline fail, ...
Black_bull's user avatar
2 votes

Can Express Migration Tool 2.0 migrate to Sitecore 8.2 Update-4

The tool is not compatible with version newer than Sitecore 8.2 Update 1. You should install install upgrade package using the UpdateInstallationWizard to upgrade from 8.2.1 to to 8.2.4
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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2 votes

The specified path too long exception while migrating data using Sitecore Express Migration Tool

@codeandfootball I ran into the same issue while running the Sitecore Express Migration Tool 3.1 and realised that the error is misleading and not actually referring to the path\connection strings in ...
Leon's user avatar
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2 votes

Sitecore Express Migration tool compatibility for 8.1 and 8.2

On newer versions like 8.1 and 8.2 you do not need the migration tool. The upgrade package can take you directly there in one step. This is a change from earlier versions of Sitecore where you would ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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2 votes

Does Sitecore express migration tool 3.1 support to upgrade from Sitecore 8.2 to Sitecore 9.3

If you take a look at the sitecore knowledge base it is stated: [2] At the moment, the Express Migration Tool is ...
Cristi Vulturar's user avatar
1 vote

When using Express Migration Tool to just migrate databases do I need to provide the Website folder path?

Before you run the Express Migration Tool 3.1, you must decide whether you want to run it on the same computer as your source and target instances or on a different computer. If you run the tool on a ...
D S's user avatar
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1 vote

Usage of express migration tool to migrate instances on remote servers

Assuming that you are using Express Migration Tool 3.1, From Express migration tool installation guide, When referring this KB ...
Gobinath Saminathan's user avatar
1 vote

Upgrade from Sitecore 9.0 initial version to Sitecore 9 update 2

Since you are already on Sitecore 9.0 Initial Update, I don't think you need to create packages and install on Update 2. And obviously since Express Migration Tool 3.1 doesn't support any targeted ...
Amitabh Vyas's user avatar
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1 vote

Does Sitecore express migration tool support to upgrade from sitecore 7.2 to sitecore 9 update 2

Sitecore Migration Tool supports migration just to initial release of 9. You can find the compatibility table of the module here: To upgrade from 9.0 to 9.0....
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
1 vote

Appdata folder while Upgrade Sitecore using Express Migration tool from 7.2 to 8.2

Before deleting this folder you need to verify two things Is this folder contain only "MediaCache" folder. If yes then you can go and delete this folder because this folder will automatically created ...
Ravindra S. Rathore's user avatar
1 vote

Using Express Migration Tool to migrate WFFM data

The Express Migration Tool 2.0 migrates Web Forms For Marketers 2.4 items and data.
Tamas Varga Sitecore's user avatar
1 vote

Forcing Express Migration Tool to Sync Security

FWIW - it looks like everything is stored in a SQLite db called migration.db which is in the directory where the Migration Tool was run from. I renamed this, had to re-specify all my paths & ...
Derek Dysart's user avatar
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