When trying to install Sitecore 9, I am getting the following error :

[UpdateSolrSchema]:[Authenticating] http://habitat9.sc/sitecore/admin/PopulateManagedSchema.aspx?indexes=all Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Error requesting http://habitat9.sc/sitecore/admin/PopulateManagedSchema.aspx?indexes=all: The operation has timed out. At C:\SW\OneDrive_2018-07-02\sitecore9\SIFLess\SIFless-EZ-1531118582.ps1:67 char:1 + Install-SitecoreConfiguration @sitecoreParams + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-SitecoreConfiguration

We observed the siteore-XP0.json:

"UpdateSolrSchema": { // Update the solr schemas. "Type": "SitecoreUrl", "Params": { "SitecoreInstanceRoot": "[concat('http://', parameter('SiteName'))]", "SitecoreActionPath": "sitecore/admin/PopulateManagedSchema.aspx?indexes=all", "UserName": "admin", "Password": "[parameter('SitecoreAdminPassword')]" }

This script is executed but I don't know where we were missing some steps.


1 Answer 1


Please follow the below steps and try:-

The correct procedure is:

  1. Log in to Sitecore => go to Control Panel
    1. Click to "Populate Solr Managed Schema"
    2. Then click to "Deploy marketing definitions"
    3. Then click to "Indexing manager"
    4. And finally click to "Rebuild link databases"

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