I have created Azure DevOps CI in `Azure DevOps. That CI is generating a TDS WebDeploy Package as an artifact. Now I need to create a release pipeline to Deploy and install the items in TDS to Azure Virtual Machine. Can anybody please suggest a recommended/ preferable way to do that?

The artifact generated also has a PowerShell script to publish it but it needs a publishsettings file for deploying. Please suggest how to generate a publishsettings file for Azure VM, if the suggested way is to deploy TDS package using that PowerShell script.


1 Answer 1


To be able to deploy a WebDeploy Package creted from TDS on IaaS Environment you need to setup Web Deploy on your target server.

After WebDeploy is setup you can either use the powershell explicitly on the target server . For example:

.\PublishWebDeploy.ps1 -PackagePath .\HHogSSSS.Master.wdp.zip -ComputerName MyServer 
    -Username DeployUser -Password MyPassword -SiteName MySite -AuthType Basic 
    -MSDeployAllowUntrusted -ViewLogs 

Or you can generate the required .publishsettings during the WebDeploy installation on the machine itself.

This is covered in more details in the TDS Documentation Chapter 6 in the IaaS or Standalone deployments section (also including some of the problems that you might encounter during the installation of Web Deploy)

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