My site uses SSO for login so most site users do not have Sitecore accounts, as such when a user logs in a virtual user is created:
protected void CreateVirtualUser(SSOCentralUser user)
// Create virtual user
var virtualUser = AuthenticationManager.BuildVirtualUser($"extranet\\{user.PrimaryEmailAddress}", true);
// Add user roles
virtualUser = AssignRoles(virtualUser, user);
// Update Profile
virtualUser = SetProfile(virtualUser, user);
// Login the virtual user
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info("Current User: " + Sitecore.Context.User, this);
However, if the user logs in and then immediately navigates to the search page (which has @Html.AntiForgeryToken
), this error is thrown: The provided anti-forgery token was meant for user "extranet\[email protected]", but the current user is "".
I have determined that this is because the virtual user is extranet\[email protected], but Sitecore.Context.User is Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User (which has no username). But, I don't know what to do about it.
If I load any page before I go to the search page, the error does not occur. I assume this is because when a page is loaded, it updates the antiforgerytoken so that when I then go to the search page the token matches Sitecore.Context.user, but I'm not sure. I expect that I could resolve the issue by making the page refresh via javascript after login, but that would not be a good user experience. Is there a way I can set Sitecore.Context.User to the virtual username, extranet\[email protected]
, or update the antiforgerytoken in my login code to match Sitecore.Context.User?