We have implemented Sitecore Geo IP
in the Sitecore 10.0
The Geo IP
is working fine in most cases but sometimes for some Users/IP, it will not work and we get the below exception.
Falied to read GeoIp data for Ip:'c2e3273a-680c-165d-fa30-ab797b800a98' from lookup
Exception: Polly.CircuitBreaker.BrokenCircuitException
Message: The circuit is now open and is not allowing calls.
Source: Polly
at Polly.CircuitBreaker.CircuitStateController`1.OnActionPreExecute()
at Polly.CircuitBreaker.CircuitBreakerEngine.<ImplementationAsync>d__1`1.MoveNext()
Nested Exception
Exception: System.InvalidOperationException
Message: geoIpServiceUri
Source: Sitecore.CES.GeoIp
at Sitecore.CES.GeoIp.SitecoreProvider.RequestGeoIpService(String ip)
at Sitecore.CES.GeoIp.SitecoreProvider.GetWhoIsInformationByIp(String ip)
Also, the site is hosted on Azure Paas
Looking for your suggestions.