I need to set up an existing Sitecore site on my local machine (version 9.2).
After installing a default Sitecore instance (successfully), the core and master databases were restored using back ups of the existing site's core and master databases and the server files were copied to my local machine. Of course Web.config from the back up is adjusted to point to the domain on my local machine but no other changes are made.
Upon trying to sign into Sitecore, I get an internal server error:
The "View more information" link takes me to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=62293&IIS70Error=500,19,0x8007000d,19044 which states for the 0x8007000d Error Code:
I have confirmed that both the Web.config and App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config files are valid XML.
Based on the Microsoft documentation, that only leaves "Check the unidentified XML elements, and then install the relevant IIS modules" as the possible issue.
The challenge is that the Web.config file is over 500 lines long.
Is the only solution to go line by line in the file, commenting/uncommenting each line (with a server reboot each time) to find the problematic element?
What is the general approach to troubleshooting something like this?