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Questions tagged [iis]

Questions relating to Internet Information Server, the underlying web server software used to host Sitecore-based websites.

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4 answers

Url Redirecting to server url instead of custom url using redirection rules

I am facing an issue where my URL is redirecting to Azure default domain instead of custom URL. I want to remove the trailing slash and make the URL in lowercase. For example:
Aniket Bajpai's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Embedding language in home page url

I am using Sitecore 10.3 and JSS next app, I need to add language in the home page URL. Ex: to, also need all URLs to end with /. can I do this from IIS??
shimaa elsayed's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

System.ArgumentException Sitecore.Web.XFrameOptionsHeaderModule in IsSitecoreFolderRequest

In my error logs, I often see the error: System.ArgumentException Sitecore.Web.XFrameOptionsHeaderModule in IsSitecoreFolderRequest The request paths seem to always contain OpenAccessDataProvider. For ...
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to replace YEAR and MONTH from URL using IIS rewrite rule?

We would like to check whether the particular URL request having the bucket structure. If it is having, we just need to replace that value with blank values and do the redirection (only for article ...
Astle's user avatar
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2 answers

Redirect 2 different DNS names to two different pages in IIS

We have a server that hosts two applications on the same default site. Default Web Site Inventory Expenses We also have two DNS names pointing to the same ip address: ...
Mike Hizny's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Redirect old subsite url to new subsite url using URL redirect generic IIS Rewrite Rule

in existing production we have URL structure as follows Now the sub site URL structure changed as follows We want to redirect old ...
shahul's user avatar
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1 answer

Sitecore CD Server Trying to Access /sitecore folder

Not sure why Sitecore CD server trying to access /sitecore folder (attached screenshot). Enabled SwitchMasterToWeb.config file and disabled anonymous IIS access to the /sitecore/shell folder and did ...
Sun's user avatar
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1 answer

Sitecore serialization YAML triggering IIS issue

I’m trying to use Sitecore serialization handlers to serialize some items, and if I serialize my items in the .item format, everything works fine. But, when I update the Sitecore serialization config ...
Fabio Carvalho's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Add site or domain name condition in IIS Rewrite Rules

I have 2 sites with name like and I am trying to add Rewrite rule for only. <rule name="Custom Rule" stopProcessing="true&...
Vikram's user avatar
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1 answer

IIS Rewrite Rule to redirect to new domain along with querystring parameters

I am looking for IIS Rewrite Rule to redirect from old domain to new domain along with appending querystring parameters to new domain. As I have gone through some articles but I am not getting. I am ...
Kumari Dimple's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Local set up of existing Sitecore site, troubleshooting Web.config

I need to set up an existing Sitecore site on my local machine (version 9.2). After installing a default Sitecore instance (successfully), the core and master databases were restored using back ups of ...
Anthony's user avatar
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2 answers

CM IIS 503 Error [closed]

Getting a 503 on my CM site in IIS (server 2012) - I have checked all the settings for the app pool, file systems permissions, etc. Checked all the logs that I know and tried using procmon to see if I ...
ev0s's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Create “Application for a Site” in Sitecore 10.2 containers

We are migrating our existing solution from Sitecore 8.2 (IaaS) to Sitecore 10.2 containers. Migration is completed for the main site, but one of our main functionality is hosted as “Application for ...
PremKumar_2530's user avatar
1 vote
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Sitecore 9.0.2 and Azure PaaS based live website gives '502' error few times in a day

We have our public website in Sitecore 9.0.2 and it is in Azure PaaS infrastructure, from last few days the website gives '502 following error message' at specific times in a day(8 (am or pm), 9(am or ...
Hina Thakkar's user avatar
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Sitecore And Web Service on Same Hostname not working [duplicate]

We have a Sitecore instance with a domain - and a Custom WebService is created which is also using the same domain as, upon calling this service from Sitecore ...
Rohan Bhateja's user avatar
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Republishing is killing IIS

Recently trying to move content from production down to my development environment. So, I backed up and restored the Master DB, then tried to republish everything. Mostly this ws very slow but OK. But ...
Ethan Schofer's user avatar
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2 answers

IIS home page is getting loaded instead of sitecore 9.3 Home page

I am a newbie to Sitecore 9.3. I have integrated sitecore 9.3 and VS 2017 but i am not able to load the sitecore 9.3 home page, instead IIS Home page gets loaded up. Thanks in advance.
Vinaya's user avatar
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Bypass Sitecore for specific directories

I'm not sure my title is ideal, so I am open to suggestions because I wasn't sure how to phrase it. I am trying to create a Let's Encrypt cert using CertBot and it creates a file inside the /.well-...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

Any reason NOT to set IIS Regular Time Interval (minutes) to 0 on a Sitecore server?

We are trying to maximize availability on our content delivery virtual machines. By default, IIS is set to recycle app pools every 29 hours. This value can be set to 0 such that IIS never recycles ...
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
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1 answer

If I add a CSV file to the media library and visit that item in Sitecore, a file is downloaded automatically with the content of that media item

I want to upload a CSV file into our media library. In our Dev environment, this works as expected, the file uploads, shows up in the content tree, mime-type/extension is getting set appropriately, ...
AmoebaMan17's user avatar
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Sitecore website as a subsite of an existing non-Sitecore website

We have two websites: the first one is non-Sitecore website (e.g. '') the second one is Sitecore website (e.g. '') My task is to make the second one (...
Mikhail Ryzhinskiy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

This site cant be reached error while I am loading sitecore 8.2 client

It was working fine few days back, but suddenly my local environment ends up with below error. I have tried installing new instances of sitecore as well but no luck. +Adding Windows Network ...
Manideep Yechuri's user avatar
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Add a new Sitecore 9 instance

I'm having a lot of trouble finding documentation for Sitecore 9 and setting everything up. I installed Sitecore 9 and have a working website, but how would I add another website instance? In 8, it ...
Olivia Shettles's user avatar
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2 answers

HTTPS to HTTPS 301 redirect for whole domain?

We have a Sitecore.NET 8.1 (rev. 160519) installation running IIS (version 8.5.9600.16384) Our instance runs roughly 600 websites and we often have clients that switch their domain name after already ...
NoMonitor's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I safely disable HTTP methods DELETE and OPTIONS?

A recent security audit recommended that I disable the HTTP methods DELETE and OPTIONS. I am not opposed to doing this, but have been unable to find any documentation indicating that I can do so ...
GoetzOnline's user avatar
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2 answers

Redirect URL A to URL B

I want to redirect one URL to the another. Suppose, I have 2 URLs [Item for /gateway is not created in sitecore] [This is not a Sitecore Webpage] ...
PSS's user avatar
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0 answers

Not able to access JSON file in Sitecore web root folder

I have added a JSON file veevaweb2pdf.sitemap.json and a text file veevaweb2pdf.txt for a third-party plug-in. I am able to access the text file but not JSON file in all UAT, Staging and Production ...
Manideep Yechuri's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

While installing Sitecore commerce 9 update 3 getting IIS location not found

Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Cannot find path 'IIS:\Sites\' because it does not exist.
Rohit Kakde's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Sitecore CD instance - Restrict access to Sitecore folder without blocking keepalive.aspx?

I have a CD/CM site which I hardened by restricting access to Sitecore by adding "sitecore" to the Hidden Segments in the Request Filtering section in IIS (second answer here). However, this has ...
Erica Stockwell-Alpert's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Multiple websites hosted in the same app pool

Is it possible to have two or more Sitecore instances with different code bases running in the same (single) application pool?
Aura Boldizsar's user avatar
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Connection keep-alive not coming in Response Header - Sitecore 9.0.1 -Windows Server 2016 - GTMetrix report

I have enabled allowKeepAlive setting for my application on IIS by set common header (as shown below) but getting connection as close every time in response header. My application is developed using ...
SumitK's user avatar
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What does this "Domain User" mean in Sitecore 8.2.7 Installation Guide?

I have installed Sitecore 8.2.7 couple of times. But recently I figured out that I might have missed the step in the following section, "Windows Authentication for Sitecore". I am not sure what the "...
TestUser's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Commerce crashing after longer inactivity

We are using Sitecore Commerce 9.0.2. On our test server, usually after a weekend (thus assumption that the inactivity time is significant factor here) the Commerce responds with a InvalidShopCurrency ...
Piotr Zaborowski's user avatar
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Moving whole Sitecore instance to another location using Sitecore 8.2.7

When installing Sitecore instance, I chose a wrong physical path but it was meant to be at a different location. I realized that I get 404 error when I moved whole Sitecore folder (Web and Data, but ...
TestUser's user avatar
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Why would I see a double log file, or be missing a log file?

While investigating some missing log files, I found that quite frequently we had short periods with two log files, created with about a second of each other, directly after a recycle. We have a ...
James Walford's user avatar
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Sitecore 8.0 crashing w3wp.exe when choosing if a version is unpublished or published

I have an instance of sitecore 8.0 setup (CD and CM separate servers). On the CM server we've noticed that if a page has multiple versions, and a user then tried to mark one of the versions as ...
Box's user avatar
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1 answer

Map SXA multi site to single domain with different ports

Is there any way to attach two SXA sites from one Sitecore instance (IIS instance) to different port number of one domain name? For example: is on port 80 and pointing to one sxa site. ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Sitecore 301 Redirect or IIS URL Rewrite

I am working on Sitecore project and using 301 redirect for our website. Right now our redirect chain is >> >> >> https://www....
NIkhar Bhavsar's user avatar
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SSL certificate requirements for Sitecore 9 Update 1

We have followed installation guide for Sitecore 9.0.1 and installed it on our dev machines. We have used the same approach also on TEST machine. This TEST machine is also standalone installation ...
Peter Procházka's user avatar
5 votes
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Exception while switching Lucene to Solr 4.1 on Sitecore 7.2

I am attempting to switch an instance of Sitecore 7.2 from Lucene to Solr on my local machine. I followed a well written guide detailing the steps, but I can't make it work. My environment: ...
Nick's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Deleting the media cache folder resets app pool

We are having an issue with the app pool resetting in IIS after a media cache folder deletion. This only happens when we have a lot of images (~20 GBs) cached. Everything I've read says that deleting ...
Bill Wolfson's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to cast object of type 'Sitecore.Web.SessionEndWorkerRequest'

For one of our current assignment, we are on: Sitecore 7.2 (rev. 141226) SOLR 4.6.1 Sitecore Media Framework 4.1 - Brightcove Clay Tablet 3.10.1 Mentioning the details cause recently we ...
Rathan M's user avatar
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Is there a reason that I am not able to run my Sitecore 7.2 locally?

I have published to my File system: c:/Sites/intranet-local/Website I have created a website under Sites in IIS: pointing to the above. I received the following error: Cannot read configuration ...
Paul T. Rykiel's user avatar
3 votes
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Hitting a 'local' sitecore 9 instance from another machine [closed]

I have a 'local' style deployed Sitecore 9 development environment on a VM. I have to make a callout to invoke it from an external machine to test some functionality, however, I don't completely ...
tarun713's user avatar
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Gzip causing an error in the experience editor

Just set up a new machine, so... I have a site running locally Sitecore 8.1.160519, The site has GZip enabled. I see the appropriate header if I just browse to the site. But if I go to the ...
Ethan Schofer's user avatar
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Sitecore using multiple IIS Websites configured with same physical path

We have a multiple sites Sitecore instance at our client. The architect is attempting to reconfigure that each sub-site has a dedicated IIS Website pointing to one physical path where the instance is ...
Roman's user avatar
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Renaming Sitecore IIS site causes memory leak?

This is an oddball, but I'm curious if anyone else ran into this. When we installed Sitecore, we used a name that we didn't want to at the end of the day. We went through and stopped the site and app ...
Ken McAndrew's user avatar
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Client caching and gzip settings not working

I am trying to optimize image, js, and css delivery by enabling gzip compression and setting the client cache policy. The issue is, it doesn't seem like any of the settings are being used. Here is the ...
heilch's user avatar
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How to properly setup Active Directory authentication using LDAPLogin.aspx?

I've setup the Active Directory module (1.3) and the final step that I can't quite figure out is how to get the ldaplogin.aspx page to work without prompting for credentials. Checklist: Windows ...
Michael West's user avatar
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How to enable Directory Browsing on a folder on a Sitecore web site?

I would like to allow directory browsing and anonymous access for a specific folder in Sitecore, but I can't find out how. Does anyone have a clue about how to achieve this?
Mat-Tap's user avatar
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