Anyone getting problems following the Getting Started template? Tried 2 different installations and still getting errors.


Some of the errors I am getting:

Error #1: level=warning msg="The \"R\" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. enter image description here

Error #2: docker-compose : failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: failed to calculate checksum of ref 3f3de231-5630-4e0d-9880-af4d75348d87::bxasqp1metajlwinwtmzknhdf: "/C:\\module\\db": not found enter image description here

  • Could you attempt executing init.ps1 once more and check if you encounter the same error? Commented Jul 17, 2023 at 14:21

3 Answers 3


Double check that you did a "switch to Windows containers" from the Docker Desktop system tray. If you have the option to "Switch to Windows Containers" instead of "Switch to Linux containers" as a choice then this is probably the cause of at least Problem #2..

enter image description here


This looks very similar to what I faced after upgrading Docker Desktop and changing compose syntax to V2.

  • Error#1 - You can search for an environment variable with "R" in it's value and remove escape characters.
  • Error#2 - You can locate that volume in docker-compose file and add
    "\" at the end.

Make these 2 changes and try running up.ps1 again.

Here is a blog for reference - https://blogs.perficient.com/2023/07/03/migrating-docker-compose-from-v1-to-v2-code-details/


These errors occur when complex string values are present in .env files which are not wrapped in string literals.

For example:


The solution is to wrap all of your complex values like so:


Check out this pull request for more info. I would encourage anyone reading this to submit similar PRs wherever you spot similar issues!

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