I am trying to install E-mail Campaign Manager 2.1 rev. 140214 but I am unable to do so because of the fact that "InvalidItemNameChars" attribute value contains - (hyphen).

The setting is as below:

<setting name="InvalidItemNameChars" value="\/:?"<>|[]-"/>

I would like to know if there is a workaround for installing this package.

Please help us in installation. For information, we are using 7.2 rev. 150408 and ECM 2.1. I know it is old version but still trying to find some solution.

1 Answer 1


The root cause for this is using hypen in InvalidItemNameChars.

Remember default value of the InvalidItemNameChars is "\/:?&quot;&lt;&gt;|[]". With this value the ECM package can be installed. So you can use following steps.

  • Remove the dash from your InvalidItemNameChars and set the default value.
  • Install the module package.
  • Set the InvalidItemNameChars back to your value.

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