I am using SXA in Sitecore 9, I have created simple search scope with below query:
From UI there are search result returned, however when I add Search result rendering in a page and use the search scope above, no results return in the page. I checked Search log and I found the query issued from UI is:
12548 12:41:09 INFO Solr Query - ?q=(((_path:(3f38a23025bb4dbab9d32ce94f842072) AND _template:(cbb0f1aa1a194c0aa89749af144cb801)) AND _latestversion:(1)) AND _datasource:(sitecore))&start=0&rows=20&fl=*,score&fq=_indexname:(sitecore_master_index)&wt=xml
From Search Result Rendering:
26128 12:29:08 INFO Solr Query - ?q=(((_path:(3f38a23025bb4dbab9d32ce94f842072) AND _template:(cbb0f1aa1a194c0aa89749af144cb801)) AND (_path:(3f38a23025bb4dbab9d32ce94f842072) AND searchable_b:(True))) AND _latestversion:(True))&rows=0&fq=_indexname:(sitecore_master_index)&wt=xml
the difference is searchable_b:(True), how we can set this field and what does it mean?