We are in process of designing the infrastructure architecture to host sitecore 9 update 2 in azure. This requires us to appropriately size all the databases for Sitecore 9. Also I can't find any good documentation on whether if any of these DBs needs to be single-database vs. elastic pool.

Core database

Master database

Web database

Reporting database

Pools database

Tasks database

Forms database

Marketing Automation database

Reference data database

Shard map management

Shard 0/1 databases

The site will be multisite and visit's per month will be around 500,000/month. I had a look at this KB below but I can't figure out which DBs should be in elastic pool. https://kb.sitecore.net/articles/267409

1 Answer 1


I would put everything in a (single)pool and give web a reserved minimum dtu. With an XP0 we see huge gains from having a shared 200dtu pool. This makes the spikes much easier to handle.

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