Sitecore 8.1, never used Solr before, just switched from Lucene.
I downloaded the latest Solr and installed it using nssm. Generated self-signed certificate. Admin runs well at https://localhost:8983/solr/.
I created the core "sitecore_analytics_index" using the command
solr create -c sitecore_analytics_index
I can access it from the dashboard. I renamed "managed-schema" to "schema.xml" but I get an error in the log informing me that the core was upgraded to managed and I don't need the file, so I deleted it.
When I try to access the Sitecore shell, I get the following error:
Connection error to search provider [Solr] : Unable to connect to [https://localhost:8983/solr], Core: [sitecore_analytics_index]
which is baffling as I can access that very instance just fine. Sitecore log is empty as it cannot start.
Why I am getting this error?
can you find the core above mentioned? Is its name exactly the expected?