I've figured out the answer based on the comment from @Gobinath and answer of this thread.
So, first you must add NEW config for these Owin and IdentityServer stuffs and don't touch your previous version of these processes (before IdentityServer, in my case it's working properly without IS)
<processor resolve="true" type="your.SIGN-IN.pipeline, YourDLL" patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Pipelines.CookieAuthentication.SignIn.UpdateUserProperties, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication']"/>
<processor resolve="true" type=" your.SIGNED-IN.Pipeline, YourDll" patch:before="processor[@type='Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Pipelines.CookieAuthentication.SignedIn.CreateTicket, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication']"/>
You can adjust patch:after processor and add more processors for your needs.
Then, on your code you need to inherit SignInProcessor or SignedInProcessor then override Process with SignInArgs/SignedInArgs as parameter.
public class YourSignInProcessor : SignInProcessor
public override void Process(SignInArgs args)
add your code here
public class YourSignedInProcessor : SignedInProcessor
public override void Process(SignedInArgs args)
add your code here
Since our code use Persist checking (LoggedInArgs.Persist (bool)), I'm not sure where is this persist checking located within SignedInArgs. I just commented out those lines for now. As Sitecore said
Web applications create persistent authentication cookies when a user
selects a Remember me option. Authentication through Federated
Authentication produces only non-persistent cookies.
For example, if you sign in through an external identity provider
without selecting the Remember me option on that provider, then you
have to sign in again after the browser session expires.
If you sign in through an external identity provider and you select
the Remember me option on that provider, then you will lose your
Sitecore authentication cookie when the browser session expires.
However, after a quick auto-redirect to the identity provider and
back, you are automatically signed-in to Sitecore again.