Using Sitecore 8.2 Update 6, when I install SOLR 5.1, it updates the JAVA_HOME environment variable to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_171, but I haven't got version installed (and doesn't seem to be available on the SUN website).

I have 1.8.0_131 installed and would like to use that. Is that possible?

I don't want to just update the ENV Variable as this causes me other issues :(

1 Answer 1


According to Solr 5.1 documentation:

Apache Solr runs of Java 7 or greater, Java 8 is verified to be compatible and may bring some performance improvements. When using Oracle Java 7 or OpenJDK 7, be sure to not use the GA build 147 or update versions u40, u45 and u51! We recommend using u55 or later.

More can be read: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/5_1_0/SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS.html

Yes, you can continue with java 1.8.0_131.

I don't know how you installed Solr that it updated JAVA_HOME variable, but you can switch it back.

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