We have a Solr index and using the standard Linq queries.

I noticed that Sitecore supports Solr features like Suggester or Highlighter, but I did not find anything about MoreLikeThis feature.

I'm interested to see how I can use the "MoreLikeThis" solr handler in Sitecore. Any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


Sitecore 9 has an OOTB extension GetMoreLikeThis for the IProviderSearchContext. To use it you need to install the SolrNet nuget package. You can use it like following:

var contextIndex = _contextRepository.GetSearchIndexContext("search_index");
using (var context = contextIndex.CreateSearchContext())
    var parameters = new MoreLikeThisHandlerParameters(new[] {"field1", "field2"})
        MinDocFreq = 1, // minimum document frequency
        MinTermFreq = 1, // minimum term frequency

    var query = SolrMLTQuery.FromQuery(new SolrQuery("search_term"));
    var queryOption = new MoreLikeThisHandlerQueryOptions(parameters);
    var results = context.GetMoreLikeThis<SearchResultItem>(query, queryOption);

    var interestingTerms = results.InterestingTerms;

Alternatively, you can use a native SorlNet query:

var contextIndex = _contextRepository.GetSearchIndexContext("search_index");
using (var context = contextIndex.CreateSearchContext())
    var results = context.Query<SearchResultItem>(new SolrQuery("search_term"), new QueryOptions
        MoreLikeThis = new MoreLikeThisParameters(new[] { "field1", "field2" })
            MinDocFreq = 1, // minimum document frequency
            MinTermFreq = 1, // minimum term frequency

    var similarResults = results.SimilarResults;

If you use LINQ-based predicates and they are complex and you can not rewrite your queries to SolrNet-based, you can use this "hack" to convert them. But keep in mind that in this case one additional request will be sent to Solr:

var linqQuery = context.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Where(predicate);
var solrNetQuery = new SolrQuery(((IHasNativeQuery)linqQuery).Query.ToString());

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