I'm trying to set up Commerce Engine v9.2 Visual Studio Development Environment. Previously, I did install and configure the Sitecore Experience Commerce v9.2 locally and I did get the issue. I did reinstall it and I'm getting the same issue.
Below are the steps that I followed and the issue.
My Steps:
1. I cleaned up (manually deleted) everything related to the previous installation. Including database, windows services, websites, website folders, Solr,... (even windows/temp folders)
2. I did reinstall Solr/Sitecore XP 9.2 and Sitecore Experience Commerce v9.2 without any issues using SIF.
3. I did clean up the databases, rebuild link indexes, rebuild the indexes and republished the site.
4. I can access Sitecore Launchpad, SXA storefront and Business Tools (https://bizfx.ecms.com).
5. I followed this instruction to setup Visual Studio Commerce Engine Development enviorment enter link description here
6. I stopped "CommerceAuthoring_ecms" AppPool and Site
7. When I run the Sitecore.Commerce.Enginee "Engine" it looks like it is running correctly.
8. However, when I try to navigate to business tools I'm getting an issue.
9. This is the same issue that I was getting in the previous installation.
10. This issue is that I can't access the business tools.
11. When I run the Sitecore.Commerce.Engine in "IIS Express" I'm getting the https://localhost:5000/api/$metadata page. Which looks ok. However, I can still not access business tools.
12. I did check and updated the Global.json and Config.json files. I also updated logs from Warning to debug.
13. I don't see any error in Sitecore logs as well as Sitecore.Commerce.Engine logs.
14. I did google and find similar issue but there was not a solution.
15. Can somebody give me an idea of how should I debug to find this issue?
16. After @VipinBanka suggestion I checked the developer tools network calls.
It looks like the request is still going to authoring website.