I have installed Sitecore XC 9.2.0 using the ARM template. When I am trying to access the "BizFX" site, I am getting couple of 400 bad request errors in api/GetNavigationView() & api/GetLanguagesView()
When I have opened the network tab, I found the actual error saying,
"Text": "Entity 'HabitatAuthoring' was not found.", "CommerceTermKey":"EntityNotFound"
I have also changed the default environment name in the BizFX config file as I was providing a different "environmentName" in ARM template. But that didn't resolve the issue.
After putting the new environmentName same error is showing with the new environmentName.
The actual error I am getting:
{ "@odata.context":"https://sitecorexc920-authoring.azurewebsites.net/Api/$metadata#Sitecore.Commerce.Core.CommandMessage", "MessageDate":"2019-10-12T07:14:07.4268526Z","Code":"Error","Text":"Entity 'HabitatShops' was not found.","CommerceTermKey":"EntityNotFound" }
Can anyone pls help to get out of this?