I have a question about List manager since I stuck here for a week and half. I have made xConnect to save contacts into xDB. I checked that there are saved contacts in SQL Management, which I already made them through my code(without interaction). But when I check this data into list manager, I could not see any contacts. At this moment, To test if it is injected properly, I saved a contact in contact list manually through list manager in sitecore panel(UI). Then I can see it is displayed "Manual Subscriptions | 0" in Included lists and sources. Even though there is "Manual subscriptions" since I added a contact, the Recipients is just 0 now. (Add: there are contacts list and segmented list in only Recently created lists )
As solving this problem, I did rebuild index through indexing manager, and change value of IndexAnonymousContactData as true in sc.Xdb.Collection.IndexerSettings.xml. but it is not working.
By digging this problem, I realized that I should code with interaction (I realized that it is for EXM. not for list manager). However, I was wondering if it is right behavior not to be shown contact in sitecore when I add it manually.
Thank you in advance.