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Questions tagged [workbox]

For questions regarding the workbox tool in the Sitecore client.

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Add filter functionality to Workbox

I would like to add the possibility to filter the items in the workbox of Siecore 9.3 by the current logged in user. The advanced version would be to select a user in a dropdown but that is optional. ...
dave_26456's user avatar
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Is it possible to prefill workflow comment template based on value of content item?

In my content item, I have a field called "MyField." Additionally, the workflow comment has its own field called "MyField." I am wondering if it is feasible to automatically ...
Shiva's user avatar
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How Might We Hide the Workbox From Certain Users?

We have a role for content contributors who aren't allowed to perform any of the actions in the Workbox (Sitecore 9.2). To avoid confusion and mischief, we'd like to hide the Workbox from these users ...
Ron Ritchie's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't select certain workflow in workbox

I'm facing an issue on selecting certain workflow in workbox Edit 1: the workflow that has the issue is the one in the select box that has black label , approval workflow - generic. Sitecore 10.1.0 ...
Mohamed Abbas's user avatar
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Sitecore workbox Timeout only for single user

There is user who uses AD to access Sitecore. Whenever he tries access the workbox he ends up getting timeout error. He can access all other tabs in Sitecore without issue. Another user with exact ...
Meghan's user avatar
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Does sitecore child item in draft state gets published when deep=1 is set on Parent

I've a case where there is a sitecore parent item is in a workflow state and in the final workflow state, parameters are set to deep=1&related=1&alllanguages=1. The scenario here is that the ...
Arun Pandey's user avatar
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Do we have possible solutions for bulk approval of page in workflow [duplicate]

Do we have any possible solution in Sitecore to able to track and approve a page and all associated components in same workflow all at once rather than one item at a time, and keep track of it without ...
Visva Kiruthika Muthuraj's user avatar
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clean up draft items in workbox

I have a requirement where I have to clean up the draft items in sitecore workbox which are there for more than two years in workbox. Can anybody tell me from where/how to start and how to access ...
Harish's user avatar
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Async send mail method in WorkFlows Sitecore 9

Im trying to send multiple email on item approved in sitecore workflows, but i think the workflows doesnt wait on the async method to complete, it's run through the send mail function and out of ...
Thanh Nguyen's user avatar
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User accidentally 'Approved All' in workflow - need to revert or see approved items

One of our CMS users accidentally clicked the "Approve all" option. What's the fastest way of either reverting this or grabbing a list of all items that were approved? We're on 8.1 (160519).
TENDYGRA's user avatar
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Sitecore workflow approve related items

I am using a very simple workflow with get approval and waiting for approval and approved My problem is, that we have some large releases of content and sometimes some content is not allowed to get ...
squadwuschel's user avatar
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Workbox visibility for locked items

We have a few workflow states in our 8.2 instance, including Draft, then Awaiting Content Admin Approval, then Awaiting PAO Approval. Once it's submitted by a contributor level user to the Awaiting ...
Levi Wallach's user avatar
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Sitecore workbox compare is not showing shared fields on comparing two version

I have workflow enabled on Sitecore. When I edit any item and send it to a reviewer, the reviewer is not able to see the shared fields in the compare tab, so any changes made in a shared field, ...
Mohd Kashif's user avatar
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Workbox - hide states that have zero items?

One of our UX people are asking whether we can hide workflow states that have zero items. I can't seem to find anything that would relate to this in the workflow state template or in the core ...
Levi Wallach's user avatar
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Workbox always hides content tree

After switching from Sitecore 8 to Sitecore 9, the workbox has another behaviour compare to previous version. If you open an item in workbox the view for "content tree" is always disabled. Even if ...
Mkress's user avatar
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Port number coming in workbox actions

I am not able to do any action in workbox, As most of the action redirect me back to the workbox page with port number in the url. And we have not opened that port number for internal access, so it ...
Sundar Ram's user avatar
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"PowerShell Script Workflow Action"(approve/reject) is not fired from the workbox page on IE browser

"PowerShell Script Workflow Action"(approve/reject) is not fired from the workbox page on IE browser. Whereas it is working fine on chrome browser. None of the buttons(approve,approval all, reject ...
shiva's user avatar
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pre select a default workflow on the workbox

I see that the selection is empty when user login for the first time or until a selection is made. Is there a way I can make a default workflow selected from the workflow list on workbox without ...
shiva's user avatar
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Sitecore Ribbon Shortcuts

I am trying to add a shortcut to Content Editor in Workbox ribbon. I can't figure out what template it will be either a panel or a button, if panel then what data type. Would be great if someone ...
jahan's user avatar
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Viewing Workflow History in Workbox

I'm very new to Sitecore and am trying to learn what I can by clicking around the Launchpad so go easy on me! ;) This question is about the workbox. Once I have approved (or rejected) an item ...
Jonirauks's user avatar
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Clear Workbox's Registry constant

In workbox, Listing of workflow items can be customized using Registry.SetString("/Current_User/Workflow/FilterOption"). but how to clear this filteroption & rollback to default. currently while ...
Balaji Kuppuswamy's user avatar
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How to change total items number in Draft and Awaiting Approval header in workbox

I have customized my workbox, showing filtered items and its works perfectly. However I am unable to change number of items showing in Draft and Awaiting Aproval header as highlighted with red box in ...
SurendrA SharmA's user avatar
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How to avoid paging in Sitecore Workbox

If Sitecore workbox contains more than 10 items, then it start to show paging in the Draft/Awaiting Approval Section in bottom as highlighted with red rectangle in below image Do anybody know how to ...
SurendrA SharmA's user avatar
2 votes
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Workbox RSS throws exception after upgrading to 8.1 Update 3

After upgrading my site from 7.5 to 8.1 Update 3 and when trying to open Sitecore workbox and clicking on the RSS feeds icon on any workflow; the following error appears: 4568 2016:10:21 07:06:59 ...
Mohammed Syam's user avatar