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6 votes

Filter pages from Path Analyzer

Making the assumption that your ajax calls go to some code of your own, you could add Tracker.Current.CurrentPage.Cancel(); to that code to tell Sitecore not to add a record for this interaction. This ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
  • 20.3k
4 votes

Sitecore Path Analyzer showing template names as paths

Please double check if you have the "Group map data" selected. This would group nodes by template.
Alex Shyba's user avatar
4 votes

Filter Out data from Path Analyzer

You can use the metrics filter to filter out the paths that have high visits. Please keep in mind is that it's a path analysis tool, so even if the high visit pages are out, it will show the parts of ...
Alex Shyba's user avatar
3 votes

Programmatically triggering goal while not triggering Path Analyzer

You need to do two things to make the goal show up and the API not be in the tracker. As you said in your question, you need to cancel the current call. I do this with a little cotroller atribute I ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
  • 13.2k
3 votes

Path Analyzer Site Maps

This is actually a known bug in Sitecore 9.0.2. I opened a support ticket with Sitecore to find the resolve and steps here Be sure to also ...
Tyler.S's user avatar
  • 298
2 votes

Filter pages from Path Analyzer

Alternative solution is to create custom Map Type. In the custom map type you can implement filter for map tree builder. This way you dont have to disable tracker and loose valuable information, and ...
lebeg's user avatar
  • 475
2 votes

How to get a front-end event to show up in Path Analyzer?

I have managed to solve this I think. In Mongo's dbo.interactions pages are stored in a nested array, and page events are stored as a nested array within each page. Apparently, my mistake was that I'...
Elena P's user avatar
  • 631
2 votes

Filter Out data from Path Analyzer

Path Analyzer is not the right tool for your requirements. It has it's own different purpose. You should leverage more Experience Analytics data and their Behaviour reports where you have all page ...
Peter Procházka's user avatar
2 votes

Path Analyzer Site Maps

Did you deploy the new site specific maps via workflow after those were created? To check, launch Workbox, activate "Path Analyzer Maps" workflow and see if you have any maps stuck in workflow. After ...
Alex Shyba's user avatar
2 votes

Custom Path Creation Process in Path Analyzer

Let me explain first how Path Analyzer works behind the scenes, then I will answer you: PA (Path Analyzer) will hook a listener called TreeProcessor to the aggregation pipe line analytics.aggregation ...
Mohamed Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes

404 Error when building map

Please try going to https://your-domain/sitecore/admin/PathAnalyzer.aspx On this page you will find an option to perform Historic Map Rebuild. This process will rebuild all currently deployed maps ...
Dean OBrien's user avatar
  • 1,842
1 vote

Data for site specific path analyzer map is not getting reflected

After opening Path Analyzer from Sitecore LaunchPad, I used to choose All Visits in the site map dropdown menu and then choose the Vertical representation as shown below to see the map diagram with ...
Paulson Maclean's user avatar
1 vote

Path-analyzer report for wildcard items

Out-of-the-box, Sitecore does not provide a solution for Wildcard pages and the related tools (Analytics Tracking, Path Analyzer, and so on). You need to implement a custom solution for correctly ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
1 vote

Sitecore Path Analyzer Return Illegal Characters Error for Reports

It works for the grouped dataset because the node name is not attempted to be parsed as url and therefore the code path that blows up is not hit. Try putting either "1" or "2" as value for the ...
Alex Shyba's user avatar
1 vote

Why am I seeing a view model type name in Path Analyzer funnel

In order to ignore your custom ajax response you can cancel the request tracking in your controller action code: Tracker.Current.CurrentPage.Cancel() This is to be used when you need to cancel a ...
Andrey Bobrov's user avatar
1 vote

Analytics information to leverage site behavior

This answer is not an implementation of your requirement, but rather a direction of where to start from. I have disassembled the Sitecore.PathAnalyzer.Services.dll assembly and found that there are ...
Andrey Bobrov's user avatar
1 vote

Filter pages from Path Analyzer

I dont see it in your code, but I imagine you are using MVC controllers for your API calls. Use this controller attribute on your APIs to make Sitecore ignore them. public class ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
  • 13.2k

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