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10 votes

Is it possible to combine Sitecore 9.1+DotNet+React Js

Yes - Sitecore JSS / Headless Services The officially supported Sitecore Headless Services has full support for ReactJS components on MVC pages in the form of Javascript Renderings or Client Side ...
Mark Gibbons's user avatar
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4 votes

New JSS app will not start: GraphQL requests to Dictionary and Layout services are not supported in disconnected mode

When you run this command npm init sitecore-jss react it ask some option one of them is How would you like to fetch Layout and Dictionary data? it have two types (GraphQL and Rest) as shown in below ...
Rishiraj Shekhawat's user avatar
3 votes

How to embed Youtube & Vimeo videos in Sitecore JSS with React

I have implemented a video component without using any react plugin. It supports both Youtube and Vimeo. The code snippet is very small. Please see below <iframe width="100%" height="345" ...
Walid Rohiman's user avatar
3 votes

How to make Material UI components editable in Sitecore JSS React App?

How about <Typography variant="h1" component="h1"><Text tag="span" editable="true" field={fields.heading} /></Typography>
Jkarttunen's user avatar
2 votes

Newly created JSS react app does not start and show blank page

First thing you need to do is to check if the CORS Origins in your API key is not empty and should allow something, you can use * for allowing all. Secondly, while accessing the public URL i.e. http:...
Sitecore Sam's user avatar
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2 votes

No fields and placeholder received from Layout API on JSS

The first issue seems to be known, see the full list here, so I suggest to contact Sitecore Support for any available patches for your specific version. The second problem typically occurs when a ...
Kate Orlova's user avatar
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2 votes

New JSS app will not start: GraphQL requests to Dictionary and Layout services are not supported in disconnected mode

Instead of executing npm init sitecore-jss react we can update the FETCH_WITH parameter in .env file because in Next.js Dictionary and Layout service factory have made an easy way to switch from ...
Abhinav Singh's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore JSS: How to Hide Sitecore API Key in Client-Side JavaScript File

This issue arises because the repository contains these details somewhere. Ensure that your scconfig.json or .env file does not contain the SITECORE_API_KEY and SITECORE_API_HOST. By the way, why isn'...
Andi AR's user avatar
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1 vote

Sitecore headless with React frontend - JSS or SC 10?

It really depends on your requirements, what you'd like to achieve and in what timeframe. You should consider that even if 10.1 just released, it will take some time until the project you want to ...
Cristi Vulturar's user avatar
1 vote

Value cannot be null. Parameter name: element

It seems that Sitecore Commerce is not yet compatible with Sitecore JSS as shown from the comparison tables. From Sitecore JSS Site URL: JSS Release Note Currently as I am answering, the version is ...
Walid Rohiman's user avatar
1 vote

Droplist item returns name instead of "display name" for the component

Droplist is simply an item name (string) and it does not know anything about what item you have selected. Better you go with DropLink and get the TargetItem and take out the display name. However I ...
Sarthak Gupta's user avatar
1 vote

Droplist item returns name instead of "display name" for the component

If you have the possibility to use Droplink instead of Droplist do that. Droplist field stores only the current name of the selected item but Droplink stores the item ID reference which would work in ...
Tamás Tárnok's user avatar
1 vote

Error on typings using JSS Text with Typescript

The interface used in the example was off, the interface for fields should be an object with value. interface IFields { heading: { value?: string; }; }
Luuk's user avatar
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