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8 votes

How do you render EditFrame programmatically in C#?

I was able to supply the view layer with EditFrame HTML by adding the opening and closing HTML markup into my MVC Model. HTMLHelper Step 1: Obtain access to HtmlHelper using your current context ...
TomT's user avatar
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3 votes

How to embed Youtube & Vimeo videos in Sitecore JSS with React

I have implemented a video component without using any react plugin. It supports both Youtube and Vimeo. The code snippet is very small. Please see below <iframe width="100%" height="345" ...
Walid Rohiman's user avatar
2 votes

The expected type comes from property 'field' which is declared here on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & TextProps'

You need to use something like this <Text field={element?.fields?.SubTitle as Field} />
Srikar's user avatar
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2 votes

Sitecore JSS react SSR - how to setup higher environment(UAT/PROD) rendering host for experience editor

You are using below things,to concurrence. React as your front end SSR headless proxy NODEJS - to server your website in SSR mode Looking for experience editor support with http rendering! Question ...
Andi AR's user avatar
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1 vote

Headless Development with React - Error HTTP 302 during JSS deploy app command

You will need to install Sitecore Headless package on Sitecore instance in order to solve this issue. This can be downloaded from below location depending on Sitecore version. https://developers....
ckhanna's user avatar
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1 vote

Disable dictionary service call in get starter JSS/react template

Below answer for react get starter template! Disable it from the client-side template We can disable the client-side template dictionary service call from the below file. Go to this file => \src\...
Andi AR's user avatar
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1 vote

Access layout service response sitecore.context object in Layout.JS file

We can get Sitecore context using by importing sitecore-jss-react on the component import { withSitecoreContext } from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-react'; and use this service to access context item ...
Praveen Soni's user avatar
1 vote

Access layout service response sitecore.context object in Layout.JS file

We can achieve this in one way. Go to \src\RouteHandler.js here sitecore.context will be available. Change the line like below, (This will pass context object to layout) // Original line return <...
Andi AR's user avatar
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1 vote

The expected type comes from property 'field' which is declared here on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & TextProps'

Check your @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs version, if it is 20.1.0 or later then use NextImage component It shows how to display a responsive, optimized, editable image:- <NextImage field={props....
Praveen Soni's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to pass an array data type to a react component with JSS Sitecore?

For resolving similar kind of situation I used .parse() and .map() For Example: import React, { Component } from "react"; export class Example1 extends Component { constructor(props) { ...
Nikhil Kulkarni's user avatar
1 vote

How to POST data to JSS Route

I see two options here: If the groups data is represented by items in Sitecore, you can utilize the GraphQL endpoint. It is provided OOB within JSS and supports all types of GraphQL request as well ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
1 vote

How to render a component after a async request with React & Sitecore JSS?

Don't use placeholder for pages, just have a placeholder for the articlecontainer. In articlecontainer just draw all the fetched articles using normal React practices. Something like. {this.state....
Jkarttunen's user avatar
1 vote

How does one convert Sitecore JSS React boilerplate to typescript?

Serge van den Oever's team has built a JSS/React/TypeScript starter as part of their "JSS Umbrella" open source project. Check it out -
Anastasiya's user avatar
1 vote

Get items from rendering datasource in JSS

If your DataSource item is just a folder item and if you would like to retrieve the child items available under the datasource folder then you may also use the GraphQL. Query will be something like ...
Gobinath Saminathan's user avatar
1 vote

Get items from rendering datasource in JSS

The JSS styleguide includes the Link example that outlines various uses of the Link component in React. In short, your JSS component is passed props.fields that gives you access to any link fields ...
Kam Figy's user avatar
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