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24 votes

Why won't Visual Studio load symbols when attaching to a container's w3wp process?

You need to set the code type to Managed (.NET 4.x) code in the Attach to: section of the Attach to Process dialog in order for debugging to work. Automatic does not load symbols.
Dan Sinclair's user avatar
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19 votes

Error when starting CM and XConnect containers from docker examples custom-images

I fixed this by escaping the file path with double backslashes in docker-compose.override.yml i.e. C:\\tools\\entrypoints\\iis\\ entrypoint: powershell -Command "& C:\\tools\\...
Bruce's user avatar
  • 199
17 votes

ERROR: for traefik Container "c76ca635f085" is unhealthy. Sitecore docker installation Issue

The traefik container depends on the health of CM, CD. What I suggest you first check the health of these containers (use the command "docker ps"). After running this command if you find out ...
Ozair Wani's user avatar
15 votes

Does Sitecore have support for Sitecore products in containers?

While currently Sitecore cannot provide guidance on how to develop or host them in a containerized environment other than those examples, but if you are hosting a Sitecore solution within a ...
Tamas Varga Sitecore's user avatar
13 votes

Local Sitecore containers unable to access Docker DNS

After a lot of research and troubleshooting, we were able to resolve this issue. It is caused by a group policy setting which prevents Docker from setting up Windows firewall rules necessary to pass ...
Dan Sinclair's user avatar
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13 votes

pywintypes.error: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified while installing Sitecore Docker images

This has happened because "Docker Desktop" was not running on my machine. I started "Docker Desktop" and execute the script again. I was able to install a sample project for ...
Arvind Gehlot's user avatar
13 votes

Sitecore containers exit with "Failed to update IIS configuration" error

This error is due to an issue with Service Monitor which affects Sitecore containers based on Windows Server Core LTSC2019. The original entrypoint for the Sitecore CM container in 10.0 used ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
12 votes

Identity server container fails to launch due to license error using headless Getting Started project in Sitecore 10 docker

Have you previously worked with older versions of Sitecore with Docker? If so, you may still have an environment variable floating around with an invalid license. The getting started project appears ...
George Tucker's user avatar
12 votes

Docker-Compose up -d failed to create endpoint sitecore-xp0_xconnect_1

thanks, it actually helps to find root cause of this problem. It was port related issue, since port was already in use. And to verify that all ports mentioned in docker-compose.yml is not in use by ...
Pradeep Gupta's user avatar
11 votes

ERROR: Container is unhealthy

I faced this issue too during installation. Try the below steps: Run docker-compose stop on Powershell. Run docker-compose down on Powershell. Now run iisreset /stop on Powershell to make sure that ...
Vinay Jadav's user avatar
10 votes

Sitecore 10 docker containers can't communicate to each other

It looks like it might be related to security policies within our company as I've been able to reproduce the same behaviour on other machines within the company. And it's working OK on non-company ...
vzaverugo's user avatar
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10 votes

docker containers do not start - network was found but has incorrect label set to ""

You may encounter a similar issue when the container is spun up using the up.ps1 script, and subsequently, when attempting to run docker compose down followed by docker compose up, you encounter an ...
Gowthamaraja Eswaramoorthy's user avatar
9 votes

How do I run MongoDB and SOLR Docker images that work with Windows Server 2016?

You mentioned in comments that you're getting an error—this is because there is no tag in my docker hub repository. I wouldn't know which version of Sitecore latest should be build against: 8.2 or 8.1 ...
Thomas Stern's user avatar
9 votes

How to connect Sitecore Rock to sitecore instance on docker?

I haven't personally used it yet, but I was able to connect successfully Sitecore Rocks with a Sitecore instance running on a cm service container following these steps: 1) If not done yet, add a ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
9 votes

SItecore 10 docker build solution issue - Invoke-Expression

The solution for this issue was to add SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] before first RUN ...
Kamil C's user avatar
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9 votes

How should a sitecore hotfix be applied to a Sitecore Docker image?

If the hotfix contains both files and items, I think it should be installed as if it were a module, following the documented approach in the Add Sitecore Modules section of the Sitecore official ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
8 votes

How do the xConnect Docker containers correspond to the Azure xConnect app services?

For Azure PaaS infrastructure: Looking at the Azure AppServices packages for a scaled XP solution, you will find that that the following three workers are deployed in their correlated app services and ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
8 votes

Why does my asset image have .dat files instead of .dacpac files?

These .dat files are in fact "protobuf" files. This is a new addition to Sitecore 10.1 which enables it to consume items directly from the file system, organised in the manner you describe ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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8 votes

Sitecore 10.2 Docker Deploy exits with Named Pipes Error

You're running in Docker Compose V2 mode. Run the following command: docker-compose disable-v2 Ref:
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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7 votes

Remote name could not be resolved ''

That might be related to your firewall settings. One of the things you can try is to add custom DNS to Docker engine config file. You can use the Google one - The format is as following: "...
vzaverugo's user avatar
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7 votes

Sitecore with Docker and TDS

You cannot mount a volume to an existing directory inside your container on Windows Docker. You need to map up a new directory and then use some means of moving the files to the destination you ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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7 votes

How to install Horizon on Sitecore 10 on Docker?

The Horizon asset images currently listed in the /community/modules namespace of the scr have issues that the product team is helping us fix. We will push updated asset images once the fix is in place,...
jflsitecore's user avatar
6 votes

Where can I find Docker Images for the different Sitecore Installs?

UPDATE March 2018 Docker is still not supported, but you can find some base images here: This repository was created by combining efforts / assets from ...
Tamas Varga Sitecore's user avatar
6 votes

Error viewing JSS app: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'PSMODULEPATH' Key being added: 'PSModulePath'

This is a known issue with IIS ServiceMonitor, which is used as an entrypoint for Docker images: ServiceMonitor copies environment variables ...
Vitalii Tylyk's user avatar
6 votes

Docker-Compose up -d fails with unhealthy xconnect and cm

I faced this issue too during installation. Try the below steps: Run docker-compose stop on Powershell. Run docker-compose down on Powershell. Now run iisreset /stop on Powershell to make sure that ...
Vinay Jadav's user avatar
6 votes

Add SPE module to custom Sitecore Docker Image

Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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6 votes

NuGet Restore not Working When Building Sitecore Images

I've faced the same issue weeks ago and I fixed it by adding a google DNS ( on my docker settings as on the print screen below, try to do the same.
Eduardo Tonon's user avatar
6 votes

Sitecore Docker Development Image for MS SQL Server 2019

You should build your own custom Windows based SQL Server image, targeting the desired version. The following steps describe how to do it, targeting MS SQL Server 2019. Step 1 - Create a dockerfile ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
5 votes

Remote name could not be resolved ''

I had this similar error and none of the above solutions worked. As a workaround, I tried the below steps: Downloaded nuget.exe, manually using this
Pankaj Tiwari's user avatar
5 votes

ERROR: Container is unhealthy

1. VPN turned on Turned on VPN can also cause problem when starting up docker. Try to turn off your VPN and recheck, although I don't know the exact reason why VPN is a problem. 2. SQL password For me ...
Tamás Tárnok's user avatar

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