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16 votes

What are the differences between update and zip packages

Internal File Structure A big difference is the internal structure of the .update package file. If you open up an update package file you will see the following folder structure: A standard .zip ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
  • 20.8k
14 votes

Where do upgrade packages go to when uploaded?

There is a package directory for the Update Wizard packages at the following path under the site root: \sitecore\admin\Packages
Michael West's user avatar
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7 votes

Package installation wizard slow on our servers

Make sure that your Azure SQL is running on the latest V12 version. Since you're using Sitecore 8.0 update-4 it would suggest you maybe set these servers up a while ago, so there is the possibility ...
jammykam's user avatar
  • 13.9k
6 votes

Package installation wizard slow on our servers

I have seen similar slow-downs in Azure talking to Azure SQL. It seems to be related to the number of database calls made by the installation wizard and general network latency. When you execute ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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5 votes

Activate all configs after installing Update Package

To do this quickly using PowerShell, without any new tools, see snippet below. It will handle dated packages generated by TDS as well. # use name of package without .update extension $packageName = "...
nickwesselman's user avatar
4 votes

Sitecore upgrade from 8.0 service pack to 8.1 initial release issue

@Dheeraj First Please ensure you have folder("\temp__UpgradeHistory\Upgrade_Sitecore 8.1 rev. 151003_20170318T05502164") present in your website path. Go to IIS and check application pool of your ...
Mohit Dharmadhikari's user avatar
4 votes

Problems while installing an update package

Typically when I run a Sitecore upgrade I'll attach the databases to a clean install of the old version and run the update package on that clean install. That will get the new content into your ...
Chris Sulham's user avatar
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4 votes

Problems while installing an update package

I've found some different steps if you would like to try 1. Use a different browser Always install upgrade package in Firefox rather than IE Yes, we know you are an engineer and you need logical ...
Vinicius Deschamps's user avatar
4 votes

Problems while installing an update package

The problem is with IIS application pool setting “Ping Maximum Response Time” which is the time in seconds the worker process is given to respond to health monitoring ping. After 5 missed responses ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
4 votes

Activate all configs after installing Update Package

Have you tried the Sitecore Package Deployer? You basically upload the .update package to a specific folder, it installs it, and then does that whole config activation. I've been using this for my ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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4 votes

Upgrade from Sitecore 8.1 to 9.1 update 1 - DB only

I have migrated sitecore 8 to 9 by using the Option#2 and it worked well for me. Templates, Items, Layout , System, etc you will be able to migrate easily by using the sitecore package. But if you ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
4 votes

Why the .update package is not moving Sitecore items between parent items?

Found the issue. When moving Sitecore items using .update packages you need to first delete them and then add them to the target path. The problem with my .update package is that it only contains ...
João Neto's user avatar
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3 votes

Update installation slowness during deployment

Sitecore is "very chatty" when communicating with the database server and one of the main reasons I've seen for both slow Sitecore instances and package installation is network latency. ...
jammykam's user avatar
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3 votes

Where do the UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx logs get saved in Azure PaaS?

There are likely additional places and methods for retrieving this data, but the following is typically what I resort to: Note: I have not tested SPECIFICALLY for UpdateInstallationWizard logs In ...
jrap's user avatar
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3 votes

Update package installation throwing XML Parsing Error: no element found

Normally, the .update package can be converted to a zip file. You just need to rename the .update to .zip. Once this is done, open the package and see if the items and dlls are present in the sub ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
3 votes

Update installation wizard package causing duplicate renderings in item?

There is a strange thing that the Sitecore Update Installation Wizard does for Standard Values items when it installs them in a Sitecore Update Package. For __Renderings and __Final Renderings fields,...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
3 votes

Problems while installing an update package

I'm guessing, based on your edits and the other responses, that you're issue lies in indexing - and that you're probably using Solr (where maybe you had Lucene in your local test). There's several ...
Richard Hauer's user avatar
2 votes

What are the differences between update and zip packages

With the update installation wizard you can install update packages remotely without direct access to the sitecore server. As it is a standard ASP.NET web application. Besides that you're able to ...
dreijntjens's user avatar
2 votes

Update installation wizard package causing duplicate renderings in item?

I suspect that you have a field that holds certain XML twice (i.e the definition of a carousel slide actually exists in two fields on the server). And maybe one of the four fields that it calculates ...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
2 votes

Sitecore patch from Security Bulletin SC2017-001-170504

Removing Telerik_Web_UI_WebResource_axd and other Telerik handlers should be done on any Sitecore servers except Content Management, which requires these controls. On Content Management server those ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.2k
2 votes

Using TDS can I make a single update package?

Yes you can. The way I have it setup, I use a Project layer TDS project to bundle all the other TDS projects up. If you go into the properties of the TDS Project and load the Multi-Project ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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1 vote

Where do the UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx logs get saved in Azure PaaS?

That temp folder location is incorrect. That location (d:\local\temp) is temporary and is not shared between the application and the Kudu tools. Relevant snippet from the above documentation: ...
Dan Sinclair's user avatar
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1 vote

Using TDS can I make a single update package?

You can use package bundling to create a single package containing items from multiple other TDS projects, see screenshot below. I have never tried putting this in the TdsGlobal.config but this ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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1 vote

Sitecore Version Upgrade 8.0 to 8.2

You'll find several blog posts on how to upgrade, but I can provide here the initial steps. Open the documentation page of the Sitecore version you want to update to and download the upgrade guide. ...
João Neto's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I update EXM 3.4 Update 1 to Update 2 on my different servers?

You will only be able to install the .update package on the CM environment. For a single server setup that's all you need to do, but if you have a scaled setup (which it sounds like you do) then you ...
Jacob Nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Error message "Cannot bind parameter 'Uri'. Cannot convert value" when trying to install update package via PowerShell DSC

As the message suggests, the error there is because Invoke-WebRequest cannot parse the $url variable that's being passed to it as a parameter. The message is saying that $url includes System....
JermDavis's user avatar
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1 vote

Problems while installing an update package

Based on your numerous updates and provided information, I have concluded that that issue at hand is most definitely something to do with infrastructure as I alluded to in my comment above. ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
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1 vote

Problems while installing an update package

The root cause of the timeout was infrastructure related. At this moment the IT team within the client is working to pinpoint exactly what the problem was. SQL server was having difficulties to ...
Diego's user avatar
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1 vote

Problems while installing an update package

You could do what Sitecore support would do in these scenarios. Use a tool like dotMemory- to get a memory dump. More tools here: https://kb.sitecore....
Ian Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the differences between update and zip packages

Update Package: A package used to update Sitecore solutions. Update packages contain not only items, files, and metadata but also items or files to be deleted and items or files to be changed. Also, ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k

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