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6 votes

Sitecore developer workstation requirement for Sitecore Experience Platform (XP Single)

This recommendation is for development environments on Windows 10 that use Docker Desktop: RAM: 16GB of RAM is the minimum, 32GB of RAM is recommended. This depends on the number of instances and ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
4 votes

Sitecore XM Cloud local setup error with Node.js

I got help from Sitecore Slack Headless group and as suggested I run npm ci command on the Front-end app root directory. That resolved my initial problem. Initially I did npm install instead of npm ci....
Koushik Mukherjee's user avatar
3 votes

Error while Setting up sitecore serialization

The issue may be due to an expired or not trusted SSL certificate. First thing , you could check if your identity server certificate is present under the trusted root certificate folder or not. Also, ...
NIKITA VASHISHT's user avatar
3 votes

How many Master databases should you have across all environments?

In my current environment we have the following (Sitecore XM 10.2): DEV : Configured as a standalone instance where a single instance of MSSQL hosts all databases. This is running on the local ...
Michael West's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create a web deploy package (scwdp) for Dedicated CD Instance Option

SCWPD are just zip files, so you can extract and modify them to add you adaptation. In essence, the biggest differences for your topology are in the web.config. Especialy in the appSettings part ...
Bart Verdonck's user avatar
3 votes

"Execution Timeout Expired" exception while installing Sitecore 10.1

I was able to get it resolved by upgrading my SQL server to the latest 2019 version. I checked the compatibility matrix of Sitecore 10.1 here and found that minimum compatible SQL version is 2017.
Arvind Gehlot's user avatar
2 votes

Sitecore 9.3 Identity Server Redirects to 404

I just encountered this issue. After restarting identity server, the following error appeared in the logs: System.Exception: Error processing block: Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityServer.ConfigureSitecore --...
Mikeyp's user avatar
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2 votes

"validation script for the argument with value ".\createcert.json" did not return a result of True." error while installing Sitecore 10.1

I was facing exactly the same issue and I did not have any previous Sitecore versions installed on my machine. So the above fix did not work for me: So I found the root cause, I made a very silly ...
Sarthak Gupta's user avatar
2 votes

ERROR: Service 'dotnetsdk' failed to build : Build failed

In order to fix this error, you should move to Windows containers. Right-click the Docker Whale icon Choose "Switch to Windows containers..." Hit "Switch". If the process fails, ...
Sumit Bhatia's user avatar
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2 votes

Sitecore developer workstation requirement for Sitecore Experience Platform (XP Single)

I get why the official minimum spec is so tempting to turn to, but like most of Sitecore's documentation its at best based on internal testing and not real world implementations. Like many others I ...
Mike Vincent's user avatar
2 votes

How do I find missing ribbon icons in a Sitecore 9 setup?

Sprites feature was introduced in Sitecore 9, so it bundles all ribbon icons by default and generates one big image (sprite). Make use that http://yourInstance/sitecore/shell/client/Sitecore/Speak/...
Alexander's user avatar
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2 votes

Error while Setting up sitecore serialization

You can run below command from the Sitecore Identity server to get more details on the exception. dotnet Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.dll Based on the error you shared, it looks like the certificate ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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1 vote

Update center missing from Sitecore launchpad

Upgrading Sitecore using Update Center is not the recommended way. That's the reason why Sitecore removed the Update Center in Sitecore 10.1.0 Sitecore Update Center - The Sitecore Update Center has ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
1 vote

Issue in setup Sitecore Publishing Module (ver 4.3) on local system (Error: An error occurred while starting the application)

Your publishing service is not able to read the "Serilog.AspNetCore.dll" which comes with the Publishing service installation. You need to open the properties of "Serilog.AspNetCore....
Mahendra Shekhawat's user avatar
1 vote

Issue in setup Sitecore Publishing Module (ver 4.3) on local system (Error: An error occurred while starting the application)

Try running it through PowerShell script like this. .\Sitecore.Framework.Publishing.Host --urls 'http://sc910.publishing:5000' -environment Development It will give you the error on the console. Also ...
Sumit Bhatia's user avatar
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1 vote

Sitecore 10.1 xConnect collection database multi-region scaling read-only performance

I solved this by using a reverse proxy in the following architecture (apologies for poor Visio skills): The key things to note here are as follows... Database setup The xConnect database is actually ...
theyetiman's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore 10.1 xConnect collection database multi-region scaling read-only performance

The performance hit isn't in the documentation because it depends on a myriad of factors. The key thing to understand here is latency. There are various ways of mitigating this latency however. You ...
IvanL's user avatar
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1 vote

"validation script for the argument with value ".\createcert.json" did not return a result of True." error while installing Sitecore 10.1

This error can sometimes occur if the file path in the source parameter is not properly escaped. Please check XP0-SingleDeveloper.json (or whatever the relevant file is for your topology) and ensure ...
Dean OBrien's user avatar
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1 vote

"validation script for the argument with value ".\createcert.json" did not return a result of True." error while installing Sitecore 10.1

I was able to resolve this issue by removing all Sitecore 10.1 related certificates from mmc and start the setup again. Steps From Run window type mmc and hit ok From file menu, click on "Add or ...
Arvind Gehlot's user avatar
1 vote

How do you configure servers?

I had used a console app which allowed me to change the file name. Below is the code snippet of the console app public static void UpdateConfigs() { var filesWithPath = DirSearch(@"C:\path\to\app ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
1 vote

SQL Replication doesn't clear CD caches on remote target

A great, fast supported way is documented here using Azure SQL Geo Replication. The idea is: The Sitecore Web DB is put in a geo replication group You need a new "Shared" DB that all ...
Mark Gibbons's user avatar
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1 vote

This site cant be reached error while I am loading sitecore 8.2 client

I am able to resolve the issue by executing below commands netsh http delete iplisten (where is the IP address that we have to remmove) netsh http add iplisten ...
Manideep Yechuri's user avatar
1 vote

Firewall rule for scaled environment

Regarding the info provided, I assume you are using the typical architecture of XP as presented in the image below. For the production environment, without no speical security requirments, we usually ...
Alexander's user avatar
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