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43 votes

What are the differences between TDS Classic and Unicorn?

The two tools have different feature sets, and implementations. I've tried to represent both out-of-the-box feature sets here briefly, but as fairly as possible. SIMILAR FUNCTIONALITY The similar ...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
27 votes

What are the differences between TDS Classic and Unicorn?

Sean's answer is a good general overview of the differences between Unicorn and TDS Classic. This answer is here mostly to expand on a few of the serialization-based items not entirely covered. The ...
Kam Figy's user avatar
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22 votes

How can I copy roles between environments using TDS?

TDS 5.1 added the ability to manage roles within TDS. You have to enable management of roles in TDS in the project. This is done by opening the TDS project properties and, on the General Property tab, ...
Ed Schwehm's user avatar
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19 votes

How can I share settings between multiple TDS projects?

TDS has a feature named Global Config File that allows you to define the value of any TDS project setting in a centralized manner. Setting up the TdsGlobal.config To start using this feature, right ...
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
16 votes

Custom TDS Delta Packages

In your project, override the behavior of the follow MSBuild task. <Target Name="GetCullItemsFromProjectParameters"> By default, this is what TDS is doing (as seen in the .targets file) <...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
14 votes

TDS failing with "Sitecore Deploy Path & Sitecore Web point to the same location"

Do you run Visual Studio in Admin mode? Recently I had the same issue and it was related to some URL Rewrite redirects which made TDS unable to complete its tests. You could use Fiddler to check that. ...
Rosen Petrov's user avatar
13 votes

Can I "build" a TDS project without having it attempt to deploy?

I've had this same issue with deployments, the simple fix for us was to set Source Web Project to None on the General tab. This does mean that TDS will not generate code packages, but we do not use ...
jammykam's user avatar
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13 votes

Habitat TDS Version - Sync Items to Sitecore

Right click on your Solution tab and check the Project Dependencies. Ensure that the Build Order reflects the proper dependency order: Foundation Feature Project ... and that in general, templates ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
13 votes

Duplicate item errors when syncing a TDS project

There is a reliable fix. Go to Tools→Options→TDS Options and set Background Cache Loading to False. Restart Visual Studio. Set Background Cache Loading back to True. Errors will stop after these ...
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
13 votes

How do we automatically deploy TDS Sitecore Items under CI/CD?

Alex, there are many ways to approach CI deployments into your environments. Each client or organization is going to have different requirements as it related to versioning, restoring of backup, ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
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12 votes

System.EntryPointNotFoundException when loading Sitecore 9.0

This is an indication on Sitecore 9 that your Web.config has been overwritten. Check the deployed Web.config, replace it with the stock 9.0 version if needed, and/or ensure your Visual Studio solution ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
11 votes

Is there any way to avoid duplicated TDS files/items in Helix based solution?

TDS always serializes data from the root item, there are no settings that allow you to only serialise a part of a tree. Logically speaking, this makes a lot of sense for a Helix based solution where ...
jammykam's user avatar
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9 votes

Habitat TDS version with Sitecore 8.1.151003

I believe that the version you are looking for is Commit 1ab932d of the Hedgehog Development Fork For Sitecore 8.1 Initial (151003) Release History of Habitat I've taken a nose dive into both the ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
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9 votes

TDS: Sync Project with Sitecore for entire solution

TDS Classic 5.7 (released after this question was initially posted) now has a 'Sync all projects with Sitecore' feature. This is a context menu option on the solution (under the Team Development for ...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
9 votes

How can I get a specific dll file to be added to .update package on TDS project build?

On the TDS Project, you need to Right click on the project and click on Properties. In the General Tab, you will see Assemblies. Select Include from the dropdown. Add the name of the assembly you ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
8 votes

TDS workflow when content items need to be deployed

In my world I try to make sure templates are controlled by the development team so that we always deploy those. That allows us to make minor changes across the board without worrying about deployment ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I add custom attribute values to my Glass models generated by TDS?

You can update the file and make use of the Custom Data property in TDS to set whether a field should not be lazy loaded. Let's add some comments to keep this clean. Add this near the ...
jammykam's user avatar
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7 votes

Duplicate Sitecore ID's found in files when using TDS

I also ran into this issue when I had an item in Sitecore that had the same path as the item in TDS but a different ID. Look at your Content Tree and see if something is there with the same path and ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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7 votes

TDS sync always shows Items are different even after updataing

The issue is the created field, which was added in Sitecore 8.1.3 and the earlier version of TDS are not able to handle this field correctly. You should upgrade to the a newer version of TDS, 5.5.0....
jammykam's user avatar
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7 votes

Slow build performance using TDS (Helix-inspired)

TL;DR Some possible solutions to reduce build/deployment time:- Reduce the number of projects in your solution by 'compacting' projects. Reduce the number of projects in your solution by having a ...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
7 votes

How do we automatically deploy TDS Sitecore Items under CI/CD?

You can have TDS generate an update package with all the Sitecore items and code, then use Sitecore.Ship or Sitecore PowerShell Extensions Remoting to install the update package. Sitecore.Ship ...
George Chang's user avatar
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7 votes

How to manage TDS long files names for Continuous Integration build process?

By default Microsoft has a character limitation for file paths. The folder and file name must remain under 260 characters. If you’re familiar with Twitter, 260 characters seems like a breeze. However, ...
Peter Procházka's user avatar
6 votes

Can I "build" a TDS project without having it attempt to deploy?

In the TDS project properties, in the Build tab, you can check Disable file deployment and it won't deploy the .Update file on building. At the top of this window is a build configuration drop-down, ...
Kasaku's user avatar
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6 votes

TDS: Duplicate Sitecore IDs error on system/Settings

I have got issues like that before and most of times there are two items with same name and Id. Please check through the content editor if you see a duplicate item sitecore\system\Settings. If this ...
Leonardo Cunha's user avatar
6 votes

TDS Not Deploying Template Changes

The issue is inherent with the way Sitecore handles checkbox fields and how it serializes items. Checkbox Field Checkbox fields in Sitecore can have 3 values: Blank (not set) 0 (unchecked) 1 (...
jrap's user avatar
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6 votes

How does Sitecore handle serialization with TDS?

Sitecore does not automatically do anything with serialization files from TDS out of the box. Now this doesn't rule out a custom schedule task that someone may have put into the system, but that doesn'...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
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6 votes

I packaged a bunch of roles but when seen in next environment, the security access and options did not translate in the next environment

Since you mention the use of TDS, you can manage the synchronization of all Roles and security on item using features available in TDS. This has the advantage that both Roles and the security becomes ...
jammykam's user avatar
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6 votes

Error Another setup is already running when trying to install TDS on VS2019

I had the same problem and after the TDS installation finished and before the VSIX installation I ended all msiexec processes and after that I did the VSIX installation. With these steps I was able to ...
Fillipe Martins's user avatar
6 votes

How to check TDS license expiration date?

You can gather the Sitecore TDS License expiration date for an active installation, looking at the ExpireDate subkey of the Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\HedgehogDevelopment\Sitecore Visual ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
5 votes

Unicorn (2.0.4) issue when renaming items

This is hard to answer because it's really several questions at once. To start with, YES Unicorn 3 handles things much better because it has more control over its serialization system. Unicorn 2 is a ...
Kam Figy's user avatar
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