With some serious Googling, and with the help of the Community and this gist I was able to successfully get a token from Sitecore 9.1's Identity Server.
First, you need to add a new Client to the Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml file (\Config\production\Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml).
I dug up more details on the PasswordClient and created my own version by copying PasswordClient as a template and called it PostmanClient giving it a client id of "postman-api".
Once that was done (and I restarted identity server) I was able to use the gist sample and provide values relevant to my newly added client:
$identityserverUrl = "https://<url-to-your-identityserver>"
$tokenendpointurl = $identityserverUrl + "/connect/token"
$granttype = "password" # client_credentials / password
$client_id = "postman-api"
$client_secret = "ClientSecret"
$username = "sitecore\admin"
$password = "superStrongPassword"
$scope = "openid"
We are then left with an access_token which can be used to connect to Sitecore.