Sitecore/SXA 10.2

I find it very difficult to know exactly which part of my code is broken when the theme scripts are mangled beyond my comprehension. What can I do to improve this experience?

Take for example this piece of code:





Note: I'm using a CDN which handles the minify process in production.

1 Answer 1


There may be other options available, but the easiest I found begins in the config.js included with the SXA theme. Making the configuration changes below will result in a pre-optimized-min file bundled with the variable/function names intact.

Here is the original minifyOptions provided:

minifyOptions: {
    js: {
        compress: {
            hoist_funs: true,
            passes: 1
        toplevel: false
    css: { compatibility: 'ie8' }

Here is the updated minifyOptions:

minifyOptions: {
    js: {
        compress: false,
        mangle: false,
        toplevel: false
    css: { }

Note: SXA makes use of the npm-uglify-es and npm-clean-css packages.

  • This worked for me on 10.2, thanks! Commented Feb 28, 2023 at 21:41

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