Remove Parameter "LicenseFile" on line 19 from the standard xconnect-xp1-collection.json. Then modify the tasks by removing "SetLicense" at line 316, "startAppPool" at line 451, and also "StartWebsite" at line 459.
My xconnect-xp1-collection.json
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Sitecore Install Framework - XConnect XP1 Collection //
// //
// Run this configuration to install the XConnect Collection service. //
// //
// NOTE: Only single line comments are accepted in configurations. //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
"Parameters": {
// Parameters are values that may be passed when Install-SitecoreConfiguration is called.
// Parameters must declare a Type and may declare a DefaultValue and Description.
// Parameters with no DefaultValue are required when Install-SitecoreConfiguration is called.
"Package": {
"Type": "string",
"Description": "The path to the Web Deploy package to deploy."
"SiteName": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "XConnectCollection",
"Description": "The name of the site to be deployed."
"SSLCert": {
"Type": "string",
"Description": "The certificate to use for HTTPS web bindings. Provide the name or the thumbprint. If not provided a certificate will be generated.",
"DefaultValue": ""
"XConnectCert": {
"Type": "string",
"Description": "The certificate to use for encryption. Provide the name or the thumbprint."
"SqlDbPrefix": {
"Type": "string",
"Description": "The prefix used for all Sql databases."
"SqlAdminUser": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "sa",
"Description": "The Sql admin user account to use when installing databases."
"SqlAdminPassword": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "12345",
"Description": "The Sql admin password to use when installing databases."
"SqlCollectionUser": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "collectionuser",
"Description": "The Sql admin user account to use when installing databases."
"SqlCollectionPassword": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "Test12345",
"Description": "The Sql admin password to use when installing databases."
"SqlProcessingPoolsUser": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "poolsuser",
"Description": "The Sql user for the Processing Pools connection string in Sitecore."
"SqlProcessingPoolsPassword": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "Test12345",
"Description": "The Sql password for the Processing Pools connection string in Sitecore."
"SqlMarketingAutomationUser": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "marketingautomationuser",
"Description": "The Sql user for the Marketing Automation connection string in Sitecore."
"SqlMarketingAutomationPassword": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "Test12345",
"Description": "The Sql password for the Marketing Automation connection string in Sitecore."
"SqlMessagingUser": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "messaginguser",
"Description": "The Sql user for the Messaging connection string in Sitecore."
"SqlMessagingPassword": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "Test12345",
"Description": "The Sql password for the Messaging connection string in Sitecore."
"SqlServer": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": ".\\SQLSERVER",
"Description": "The Sql Server where databases will be installed."
"XConnectEnvironment": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "Development",
"Description": "The configuration environment for this instance."
"XConnectLogLevel": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "Information",
"Description": "The level of log information to output."
"InstallDirectory": {
"Type": "string",
"DefaultValue": "D:\\",
"Description": "The path for the package to deploy to."
"Variables": {
// Variables are values calculated in a configuration.
// They can reference Parameters, other Variables, and config functions.
// The prefix for shards created by the tool
"Sharding.Database.Prefix": "[concat(parameter('SqlDbPrefix'), '_Xdb.Collection.Shard')]",
// The database names.
"Sql.Database.ShardMapManager": "[concat(variable('Sharding.Database.Prefix'), 'MapManager')]",
"Sql.Database.Shard0": "[concat(variable('Sharding.Database.Prefix'), '0')]",
"Sql.Database.Shard1": "[concat(variable('Sharding.Database.Prefix'), '1')]",
"Sql.Database.Pools": "[concat(parameter('SqlDbPrefix'), '_Processing.Pools')]",
"Sql.Database.MarketingAutomation": "[concat(parameter('SqlDbPrefix'), '_MarketingAutomation')]",
"Sql.Database.Messaging": "[concat(parameter('SqlDbPrefix'), '_Messaging')]",
// The security certificate details
"Security.CertificateStore": "Cert:\\Localmachine\\My",
"Security.SSL.CertificateThumbprint": "[GetCertificateThumbprint(parameter('SSLCert'), variable('Security.CertificateStore'))]",
"Security.XConnect.CertificateThumbprint": "[GetCertificateThumbprint(parameter('XConnectCert'), variable('Security.CertificateStore'))]",
"Security.XConnect.CertificatePath": "[joinpath(variable('Security.CertificateStore'), variable('Security.XConnect.CertificateThumbprint'))]",
// The sites full path on disk
"Site.PhysicalPath": "[joinpath(parameter('InstallDirectory'), parameter('SiteName'))]",
// The sites data folder
"Site.DataFolder": "[joinpath(variable('Site.PhysicalPath'), 'App_Data')]",
// The path to the automation engine windows service
"Services.IndexWorker.InstallPath": "[joinpath(variable('Site.DataFolder'), 'jobs','continuous','IndexWorker')]",
"Services.IndexWorker.Name": "[concat(parameter('SiteName'), '-indexworker')]",
// The sharding tool details.
"Sharding.Root.Path": "[joinpath(variable('Site.DataFolder'), 'collectiondeployment')]",
"Sharding.Tool.Path": "[joinpath(variable('Sharding.Root.Path'), 'Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Database.SqlShardingDeploymentTool.exe')]",
"Sharding.DacPac.Path": "[joinpath(variable('Sharding.Root.Path'), 'Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Database.Sql.dacpac')]",
"Sharding.Map.Names": ["ContactIdShardMap", "DeviceProfileIdShardMap", "ContactIdentifiersIndexShardMap" ],
"Sharding.DB.Connection": "[sqlconnectionstring(parameter('SqlServer'), '', parameter('SqlAdminUser'), parameter('SqlAdminPassword'))]",
"Sharding.Edition": "Basic",
"Sharding.SqlCmd.Path.CreateShardApplicationDatabaseServerLogin": "[joinpath(variable('Sharding.Root.Path'), 'CreateShardApplicationDatabaseServerLogin.sql')]",
"Sharding.SqlCmd.Path.CreateShardManagerApplicationDatabaseUser": "[joinpath(variable('Sharding.Root.Path'), 'CreateShardManagerApplicationDatabaseUser.sql')]",
"Sharding.SqlCmd.Path.CreateShardApplicationDatabaseUser": "[joinpath(variable('Sharding.Root.Path'), 'CreateShardApplicationDatabaseUser.sql')]"
"Tasks": {
// Tasks are separate units of work in a configuration.
// Each task is an action that will be completed when Install-SitecoreConfiguration is called.
// By default, tasks are applied in the order they are declared.
// Tasks may reference Parameters, Variables, and config functions.
"CreatePaths": {
// Ensure the destination path for the site exists.
"Type": "EnsurePath",
"Params": {
"Exists": [ "[variable('Site.PhysicalPath')]" ]
"CreateAppPool": {
// Creates or updates the app pool.
"Type": "AppPool",
"Params": {
"Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"Properties": {
"ProcessModel": {
"identityType" : "ApplicationPoolIdentity"
"SetAppPoolCertStorePermissions": {
// Set permissions for the App Pool User to access the client certificate.
"Type": "FilePermissions",
"Params": {
"Path" : "[ResolveCertificatePath(variable('Security.XConnect.CertificatePath'))]",
"Rights": [
"User": "[concat('IIS AppPool\\', parameter('SiteName'))]",
"FileSystemRights": ["Read"],
"InheritanceFlags": [ "None"]
"CreateWebsite": {
// Creates or updates the IIS website instance.
"Type": "Website",
"Params": {
"Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"ApplicationPool": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"PhysicalPath": "[variable('Site.PhysicalPath')]"
"StopWebsite": {
// Stops the website if it is running.
"Type": "ManageWebsite",
"Params": {
"Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"Action": "Stop"
"StopAppPool": {
// Stops the app pool if it is running.
"Type": "ManageAppPool",
"Params": {
"Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"Action": "Stop"
"RemoveDefaultBinding": {
// Removes the default *:80 web binding
"Type": "WebBinding",
"Params": {
"SiteName" : "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"Remove" : [ { "Port": "80", "IPAddress": "*" } ]
"CreateBindingsWithThumprint": {
// Configures the site bindings for the website.
"Type": "WebBinding",
"Params": {
"SiteName" : "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"Add": [
"HostHeader": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"Protocol": "https",
"SSLFlags": 1,
"Thumbprint": "[variable('Security.SSL.CertificateThumbprint')]"
"Skip": "[not(parameter('SSLCert'))]"
"SetClientCertificatePermissions": {
"Type": "WebsiteClientCert",
"Params": {
"SiteName": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"Setting": "Accept"
"Type": "IISConfiguration",
"Params": {
"SiteName": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"ConfigPath": "system.webServer/serverRuntime",
"Key": "uploadReadAheadSize",
"Value": 491520000
"CreateHostHeader": {
// Sets a hostheader for the website.
"Type": "HostHeader",
"Params": {
"HostName": "[parameter('SiteName')]"
"SetPermissions": {
// Sets permissions for the app pool user.
"Type": "FilePermissions",
"Params": {
"Path" : "[variable('Site.PhysicalPath')]",
"Rights": [
"User": "[concat('IIS AppPool\\', parameter('SiteName'))]",
"FileSystemRights": "FullControl",
"InheritanceFlags": [ "ContainerInherit", "ObjectInherit"]
"InstallWDP": {
// Syncs the web deploy package with the website.
"Type": "WebDeploy",
"Params" : {
"Verb": "Sync",
"Arguments": {
"Source": { "Package": "[resolvepath(parameter('Package'))]" },
"Dest": "Auto",
"SetParam": [
{ "Name": "IIS Web Application Name", "Value": "[parameter('SiteName')]" },
{ "Name": "Database Server Name", "Value": "[parameter('SqlServer')]" },
{ "Name": "Database Admin User Name", "Value": "[parameter('SqlAdminUser')]" },
{ "Name": "Database Admin User Password", "Value": "[parameter('SqlAdminPassword')]" },
{ "Name": "Collection Database Server Name", "Value": "[parameter('SqlServer')]" },
{ "Name": "Collection Shard Map Manager Database Name", "Value": "[variable('Sql.Database.ShardMapManager')]" },
{ "Name": "Collection Shard 0 Database Name", "Value": "[variable('Sql.Database.Shard0')]" },
{ "Name": "Collection Shard 1 Database Name", "Value": "[variable('Sql.Database.Shard1')]" },
{ "Name": "Processing Pools Database Name", "Value": "[variable('Sql.Database.Pools')]" },
{ "Name": "Marketing Automation Database Name", "Value": "[variable('Sql.Database.MarketingAutomation')]" },
{ "Name": "Messaging Database Name", "Value": "[variable('Sql.Database.Messaging')]" },
{ "Name": "Collection Database Application User Name", "Value": "[parameter('SqlCollectionUser')]" },
{ "Name": "Collection Database Application User Password", "Value": "[parameter('SqlCollectionPassword')]" },
{ "Name": "Processing Pool Database Application User Name", "Value": "[parameter('SqlProcessingPoolsUser')]" },
{ "Name": "Processing Pool Database Application User Password", "Value": "[parameter('SqlProcessingPoolsPassword')]" },
{ "Name": "Marketing Automation Database Application User Name", "Value": "[parameter('SqlMarketingAutomationUser')]" },
{ "Name": "Marketing Automation Database Application User Password", "Value": "[parameter('SqlMarketingAutomationPassword')]" },
{ "Name": "Messaging Database Application User Name", "Value": "[parameter('SqlMessagingUser')]" },
{ "Name": "Messaging Database Application User Password", "Value": "[parameter('SqlMessagingPassword')]" },
{ "Name": "XConnect Server Configuration Environment", "Value": "[parameter('XConnectEnvironment')]" },
{ "Name": "XConnect Server Configuration Environment", "Value": "[parameter('XConnectEnvironment')]" },
{ "Name": "XConnect Server Certificate Validation Thumbprint", "Value": "[variable('Security.XConnect.CertificateThumbprint')]" },
{ "Name": "XConnect Server Log Level", "Value": "[parameter('XConnectLogLevel')]" }
"CreateBindingsWithDevelopmentThumprint": {
// Creates a new thumprint with a custom CA
"Type": "AddWebFeatureSSL",
"Params": {
"HostName": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
"OutputDirectory": "[variable('Site.DataFolder')]"
"Skip": "[parameter('SSLCert')]"
"CleanShards" : {
// Drop existing shards.
"Type": "Command",
"Params": {
"Path": "[variable('Sharding.Tool.Path')]",
"/operation", "drop",
"/connectionstring", "[variable('Sharding.DB.Connection')]",
"/dbedition", "[variable('Sharding.Edition')]",
"/shardMapManagerDatabaseName", "[variable('Sql.Database.ShardMapManager')]",
"/shardMapNames", "[join(variable('Sharding.Map.Names'))]"
"TaskName" : "ShardingTool - Clean"
"CreateShards": {
// Create new shards.
"Type": "Command",
"Params": {
"Path": "[variable('Sharding.Tool.Path')]",
"/operation", "create",
"/connectionstring", "[variable('Sharding.DB.Connection')]",
"/dbedition", "[variable('Sharding.Edition')]",
"/shardMapManagerDatabaseName", "[variable('Sql.Database.ShardMapManager')]",
"/shardMapNames", "[join(variable('Sharding.Map.Names'))]",
"/shardnumber", 2,
"/shardnameprefix", "[variable('Sharding.Database.Prefix')]",
"/shardnamesuffix", "\"\"",
"/dacpac", "[variable('Sharding.DacPac.Path')]"
"TaskName" : "ShardingTool - Create"
// Create Collection Shard Database Server Login
"CreateShardApplicationDatabaseServerLoginSqlCmd": {
"Type": "Command",
"Params": {
"Path": "sqlcmd",
"Arguments": [
// Create Collection Shard Manager Database User
"CreateShardManagerApplicationDatabaseUserSqlCmd": {
"Type": "Command",
"Params": {
"Path": "sqlcmd",
"Arguments": [
// Create Collection Shard 0 Database User
"CreateShard0ApplicationDatabaseUserSqlCmd": {
"Type": "Command",
"Params": {
"Path": "sqlcmd",
"Arguments": [
// Create Collection Shard 1 Database User
"CreateShard1ApplicationDatabaseUserSqlCmd": {
"Type": "Command",
"Params": {
"Path": "sqlcmd",
"Arguments": [
My Powershell looks like this to run with SIF and was able to have an XConnect install with db deployment without any errors.
$PSScriptRoot = "C:\Sitecore 9 Install"
$SqlAdminUser = "sitecore"
$SqlAdminPassword = "sitecore"
$XCC_Cert_Name = "$prefix.xconnect_client"
$XCRD_Cert_Name = "$prefix.xconnectsearch_client"
$XCMA_Cert_Name = "$prefix.xReferenceData_client"
$XCMAR_Cert_Name = "$prefix.xAutomationOperations_client"
$SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr/"
$prefix = "sitecoreTEST"
$SqlServer = "(local)\SQLDEV12"
$InstallDirectory = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\THROW AWAY"
$Environment = "Production"
$SolrRoot = "C:\Program Files\solr-6.6.2"
$SolrService = "SOLR 662"
#install client certificate for xconnect servers
$certParams =
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\xconnect-createcert.json"
XCC_CertificateName = $XCC_Cert_Name
XCRD_CertificateName = $XCRD_Cert_Name
XCMA_CertificateName = $XCMA_Cert_Name
XCMAR_CertificateName = $XCMAR_Cert_Name
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @certParams -Verbose
# deploy xconnect instance
$xconnectParamsCollection =
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\xconnect-xp1-collection-v2.json"
Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.2 rev. 180604 (OnPrem)"
#LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml"
Sitename = $prefix + ""
SqlDbPrefix = "SitecoreTEST"
SqlServer = $SqlServer
SqlAdminUser = $SqlAdminUser
SqlAdminPassword = $SqlAdminPassword
XConnectCert = $XCC_Cert_Name
XConnectEnvironment = $Environment
InstallDirectory = $InstallDirectory
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @xconnectParamsCollection
You'll need to manually start the AppPool and Website once you do place your license but everything should be bound correctly from IIS. Hope this helps.