What I have: Under IIS: I have Sitecore 9.0.2 XP0 with SXA 1.7 and SOLR for indexing working fine.
Under Visual Studio: I have Habitat Solution downloaded from https://codeload.github.com/Sitecore/Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform/zip/ The solution gets build and published using gulp successfully.
Upon successfully publishing, I browsed the Sitecore client and it broke
Error in the log file:
Could not find constructor in ReflectionUtil.CreateObject: Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Search.Providers.Solr.SolrSearchIndex. The constructor parameters may not match or it may be an abstract class.
What I have checked:
- Name of SOLR cores
- Disabled
- The version of
(before publishing code) and under Visual Studio to be same.
I have no luck till now.
Can you please help me, where to luck further for this?
Any suggestion will be helpful. Thanks in advance.
and review your indexes? Add them to your question for future troubleshooting, too.