In Sitecore, under /sitecore/layouts, I see the following:

  • Layouts
  • Sublayouts
  • Renderings

What are these, and what makes them different? Are there any other types of layouts?

  • Here is the great link, this might help any one like me. Commented Mar 6, 2020 at 12:23

1 Answer 1



  • Provide the outermost HTML structure of a page.
  • There is one layout (per device) per page.
  • Apply to WebForms (.aspx) and MVC (.cshtml)
  • Comprise of Layout definition item and aspx page (WebForms) or cshtml file (MVC)


  • Provide inner HTML structure to a component or structuring element of a page.
  • Apply only to WebForms
  • Comprise of a definition item + .ascx control.
  • Can contain nested Sublayouts within their placeholders


  • Provide inner HTML structure to a component or structuring element of a page.
  • Can be used with WebForms (if using XSLT) OR MVC
  • Sitecore MVC uses the following rendering sub-types:
    • Controller rendering: rendering definition item references a controller and action name
    • View rendering: rendering definition item references a view (cshtml file) and optionally a viewmodel (which in turn references a model type in code)
    • Item rendering: rendering definition item does not reference a controller or a view, instead it serves as a kind of 'placeholder'. The datasource item should have a rendering type associated with it via the __renderers field. Setting the datasource of an item rendering causes Sitecore to look at the datasource item itself to decide which rendering to use.
  • Comprise of a definition item + .xslt or .cshtml view
  • Can contain nested renderings (or sublayouts [1]) within their placeholders

[1] can only contain nested sublayout if xslt rendering within a WebForms solution

More information on MVC-specific aspects can be found here: http://www.matthewdresser.com/sitecore/sitecore-mvc-presentation-concepts

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