I got the following error and search online looks like it's something to do with xconnect remoting? I have disabled the xconnect site and also the
Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\fsni.sc\App_Config\Sitecore\ExperienceAnalytics\
and disable Sitecore.ExperienceAnalytics.config
to disable it by placing Sitecore.ExperienceAnalytics.config.Disabled
but it still looks like its running agianst please help
[-------------------------------------------------------------- InstallModule : InstallModule --------------------------------------------------------------] Installing module: Sitecore Commerce ExperienceAnalytics Core 11.2.83.zip http://sxa.storefront.com/SiteUtilityPages/InstallModules.aspx?modules=Sitecore Commerce ExperienceAnalytics Core 11.2.83.zip
Install-SitecoreConfiguration :
One or more exceptions occurred while processing the subscribers to the 'item:saved' event.