You need to inject your code in publishing related pipeline e.g. publish:end
- Create Handler, write your code in it
- Refer handler in config at
<event name="publish:end">
<handler type="namespace.classname, assembly" method="methodname" />
you can refer :
It should solve your problem. As we also use publishing service and it works for us.
Answer updated on 27-sept-2022 :
I have installed publishing service on my local and Details to get all items which get published from service are given below:
Article to refer for detail:
Refer these dll to your solution
We need to hook into the publishEndResultBatch pipeline
a. Add class and enter code to work with published item, e.g.
public class PublishItemsDetail
public void Process(PublishEndResultBatchArgs args)
if (args.Aborted)
private void ActionAfterPublish(PublishEndResultBatchArgs args)
var itemsAffected = args.Batch.Select(b => b.EntityId).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (var item in itemsAffected)
//here you got list of all items published, now do whatever you want with this info
private void ActionForAbort(PublishEndResultBatchArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("aborted publishing...");
b. add entry to config
<processor type="Nuveen.Utils.Pipelines.PublishItemsDetail, Nuveen.Utils"
patch:after="*[@type='Sitecore.Publishing.Service.Pipelines.BulkPublishingEnd.RaiseRemoteEvents, Sitecore.Publishing.Service']" >
- Now you are all set, i have tested it on my local and it works as expected and able to get list of all published items using publish service.