I am trying to install 'Cumulative hotfix for Sitecore XP 10.3' source at here.

I am using Sitecore 10.3.0 (XP0/XP1) currently. which is correct solution for the 10.3.0 site as one of the following solutions,

  1. Cumulative Hotfix On Top Of Any Updates - A hotfix is installed on top of the initial release or any other update release. source at here
  2. Cumulative Hotfix On Top Of The Latest Update - A hotfix is installed on top of the latest update release. source at here
  • Kindly add some more details of your question. Commented Jun 29, 2023 at 13:20

1 Answer 1


Both the hotfix packages are the same so you can use any of them.

Just take care of the on-prem (your local developer environment) and PaaS.

  1. For on-prem, from the Sitecore 10.3.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Platform Patch/OnPremCumulative folder.
  2. For PaaS, from the Sitecore 10.3.x rev. xxxxxx PRE/Platform Patch/CloudCumulative folder.

To install you can follow the below steps:

  1. Create one separate project in your solution named SitecoreHotfix.Patch or any other name convenient for you.
  2. Add all the cumulative hotfix package files in the same project with the correct file or folder path.

enter image description here

See blog post for more details: Sitecore Cumulative Hotfixes Installation on OnPrem and PaaS

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