I have implement micro-site solution in Sitecore 8.1 as described in below post Set up microsites in Sitecore 8.1

but we are not getting correct site context for each individual micro-sites. Following code is being used to get site context:

var url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
var siteContext = Sitecore.Sites.SiteContextFactory.GetSiteContext(url.Host, url.PathAndQuery);
string siteSettingsRoot = siteContext.Properties["SiteSettingsNode"].ToString();

and below is sitedefinition for micro-sites

name="micrositemainone" hostName="microsite.mysite.com" virtualFolder="/company1" startItem="/Home"
physicalFolder="/company1" rootPath="/sitecore/content/Site/Microsites/company1" SiteSettingsNode="/sitecore/content/Site/Microsites/company1/Site Settings"

name="micrositemain" hostName="microsite.mysite.com" virtualFolder="/"  startItem="/Home"
physicalFolder="/" rootPath="/sitecore/content/Site/Microsite/Main"  SiteSettingsNode="/sitecore/content/Site/Microsites/Main/Site Settings"

When I browse http://microsite.mysite.com/en/company1 it shows content specific to company1 but it returns SiteSettingsNode of micrositemain site not micrositemainone In this case I should get sitecontext of micrositemainone. Looks like need to change in code where I access Sitecore context.

Note: we have two settings

  1. Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage = true

  2. languageEmbedding=always in linkprovider element

because we already have running live site, so I can't change these for ex: www.mysite.com/en www.mysiteca.com/en www.mysiteca.com/fr-ca

UPDATE: 05-08-2017

If I have virtualFolder="/company1" & physicalFolder="/company1" in sitedefinition see below

enter image description here

As we can see /en/ is already added in as prefix that's why might be If I update both virtualFolder & physicalFolder value to "/en/company1" I got 404 page

UPDATE: 05-09-2017

Option 1:

Ok so I changed Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage value to false with following settings for micro-sites:



and now I'm getting correct sitecontext for each microsites but getting problem with other 4 sites i.e. If I browse http://mysite.com & http://mysiteca.com I got following error message:

This page isn’t working

to load other sites properly I updated virtualFolder="/en" & physicalFolder="/en" in all 4 sites's sitedefinition.config file.

Option 2

I kept virtualFolder="/company1" & physicalFolder="/company1" as it is for micro-sites but to get correct site context I made below change in function:

 public static Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext CurrentSiteNode
                var url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
                var siteContext= Sitecore.Sites.SiteContextFactory.GetSiteContext(url.Host, url.PathAndQuery);
                if (siteContext.StartPath != null && siteContext.StartPath.Contains("Microsites") && url.PathAndQuery.Split('/').Length > 2)
                    var currentsite = "/" + url.PathAndQuery.Split('/')[2];
                    return Sitecore.Sites.SiteContextFactory.GetSiteContext(url.Host,currentsite); // currentsite = company1 & url.Host = microsite.mysite.com

                return siteContext;

So in option 1 I have to

  1. update Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage = false (I'm not sure do I really have to make this change because it's value is trued from the beginning of the project)

  2. update all 4 site's sitedefinition.config file

And in option 2, the change in only at one place.

Which option would you suggest?


1 Answer 1


The reason why you are receiving the SiteContext as micrositemain is because url.Host will return microsite.mysite.com.

Please see updated SiteDefinition below:

virtualFolder="/{language_here}/company1" //ex: /en/company1
SiteSettingsNode="/sitecore/content/Site/Microsites/company1/Site Settings"

SiteSettingsNode="/sitecore/content/Site/Microsites/Main/Site Settings"


I have tested the above locally and saw that you need to update the setting Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage to false and add the above changes to the SiteDefinition.config.

Based on your question updates, I would suggest to manage it through the code, which is, option 2. The reason because you will have more control of it.

  • I tried adding /en/ in virtualFolder/physicalFolder but after that change when I browsed microsite.mysite.com/en/company1 site it give me 404 error....
    – Sukhjeevan
    Commented May 8, 2017 at 14:56
  • For micro-site we are using only English language so I'm using only /en I got below 404 URL after I browsed that ( microsite.mysite.com/en/company1 ) 404 URL --> microsite.mysite.com/en/… As per this post( hishaamn.wordpress.com/2016/12/22/… ) I was supposed to make two edits( Linkprovider & StripLanguage settings ) but I didn't make and I explained the reason in post at the bottom.
    – Sukhjeevan
    Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:01
  • fyi These sitedifinition doesn't have language attribute because none of other have this attribute... as you can see in 404 URL it's does have &site=micrositemain Do we need to do anything in micrositemain sitedefinition
    – Sukhjeevan
    Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:15
  • In the virtualFolder and physicalFolder just add the language. Example: /fr-ca/company1 Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:21
  • but why should I add this because I don't any any content for fr-ca in language It contains only en content...If I'm not mistaken
    – Sukhjeevan
    Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:26

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