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4 votes

Can I get a list of items stored in items-as-resources using SPE?

Yes, you can use a script like this to do that: $di = [Sitecore.DependencyInjection.ServiceLocator]::ServiceProvider $rl = $di.GetService([Sitecore.Data.DataProviders.ReadOnly.Protobuf.IResourceLoader]...
Dan Solovay's user avatar
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1 vote

DatFilesLoaderAsyncRunner hangs on Docker container startup resulting in timeout

This scenario can occur when your containers are unable to connect to the SQL server on your host machine. Fix 1) Set Windows Network to Private Run docker compose down. Ensure that the network ...
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
1 vote

Resource files synchronization failed due to service error

I was able to get past the error by doing the following: Increase the maxAllowedContentLength in the web.config for Sitecore Publishing Service. Restart SPS and then Sitecore XM. The following is ...
Michael West's user avatar
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1 vote

Does a modified item found in the Items as Resources (IAR) file replace all fields in the database?

Yes, once you modify the resource file items, a copy of the item (delta) will be stored in the database. Even though it is called delta, it contains values for all fields and not just the updated ...
Ghan's user avatar
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