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11 votes

Unicorn how to serialize parent folder and only specific children

Unicorn 3 and above has an option to exclude child items under parent item. In your case you can use as below: <include database="master" name="WFFMSaveActions" path="/sitecore/system/Modules/Web ...
Dheeraj Palagiri's user avatar
11 votes

Is the new Sitecore 9.2 serialization the same as Rainbow serialization?

As you know Rainbow is an open source advanced serialization and comparison system for Sitecore which is using a YAML format. In Sitecore 9.2 there is a new serialization implemented in a YAML format....
Tamas Varga Sitecore's user avatar
9 votes

TDS: Sync Project with Sitecore for entire solution

TDS Classic 5.7 (released after this question was initially posted) now has a 'Sync all projects with Sitecore' feature. This is a context menu option on the solution (under the Team Development for ...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
8 votes

Unicorn how to serialize parent folder and only specific children

One way to do this using Unicorn 3 is with <exclude> and <except> elements. This can be done like so: <include name="xxxxxx.Foundation.CustomWffmFieldTypes.SaveActions" ...
Matthew Dresser's user avatar
8 votes

How to clean up date field values migrated from old Sitecore versions

Here is a prototype for you to test with in your non-production instance. Sitecore PowerShell Extensions $items = @(Get-Item -Path "master:\content\home") + @(Get-ChildItem -Path "master:\content\...
Michael West's user avatar
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8 votes

Is Unicorn obsolete with Sitecore 10?

This question is very close to being opinion based, but I think we can answer the differences more factually here. tl/dr: No, Unicorn is not obsolete with Sitecore 10. Unicorn is not compatible with ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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7 votes

Slow build performance using TDS (Helix-inspired)

TL;DR Some possible solutions to reduce build/deployment time:- Reduce the number of projects in your solution by 'compacting' projects. Reduce the number of projects in your solution by having a ...
Sean Holmesby's user avatar
7 votes

Where can I find my serialized Sitecore items?

The previous answer is correct for default configuration on Sitecore 8 or 9. The serialization folder path can be set using next setting . <!-- SERIALIZATION FOLDER Points to the ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
7 votes

Can Sitecore 10 Content Serialization serialize users and roles?

No, this is not yet supported but is in the roadmap. (I am the Product Manager for the Sitecore CLI.) The documentation for the CLI and Sitecore Content Serialization is found here: https://doc....
nickwesselman's user avatar
7 votes

Sitecore10 CLI Error "Unrecognized command or argument 'ser','push' in PowerShell window

You need to add the serialization plugins. dotnet sitecore plugin add -n Sitecore.DevEx.Extensibility.Serialization
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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7 votes

Sitecore 10 Content Serialization With Visual Studio

While I can't find this listed anywhere in the documentation, Visual Studio 2017 is not supported for this Visual Studio Plugin. If you rename the downloaded VSIX file to .zip and open it, inside you ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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6 votes

Where are the access rights stored for security roles in serialized files?

Security stored on items Access rights (security) are stored on the item itself, in the __Security field. You can see the contents of this field in a few ways: Security Details tab In the Content ...
Dan Sinclair's user avatar
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6 votes

How does Sitecore handle serialization with TDS?

Sitecore does not automatically do anything with serialization files from TDS out of the box. Now this doesn't rule out a custom schedule task that someone may have put into the system, but that doesn'...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
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6 votes

Does Unicorn pick up database cleanup process and reserialize?

I asked a similar question a little while back, about the interop between Sitecore and Unicorn on disk files. If you have Transparent-Sync on or have your Unicorn.DataProvider.config file configured, ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
  • 13.2k
6 votes

TypeLoadExceptionHolder cannot be converted to type Sitecore.Analytics.Model.Framework.IFacet

Remove all data from your shared session database and the errors will go away. Your custom types have changed, but at the same time, old facet objects remain binary-serialized in your shared session ...
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
6 votes

TDS Not Deploying Template Changes

The issue is inherent with the way Sitecore handles checkbox fields and how it serializes items. Checkbox Field Checkbox fields in Sitecore can have 3 values: Blank (not set) 0 (unchecked) 1 (...
jrap's user avatar
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5 votes

TDS classic 5.7 'Sync all projects with Sitecore' feature warning

You should set up a Global Config file as per the documentation. You can then set the URL and path as follows: <SitecoreWebUrl>http://your.url</SitecoreWebUrl> <SitecoreDeployFolder>...
Mark Gibbons's user avatar
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5 votes

"String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" error

The issue may be related to your other question where it appears that you have some invalid date formats. From the StackTrace it looks like the issue is related to one of the Media facets. I would try ...
Christian Hagelid's user avatar
5 votes

Unicorn (2.0.4) issue when renaming items

This is hard to answer because it's really several questions at once. To start with, YES Unicorn 3 handles things much better because it has more control over its serialization system. Unicorn 2 is a ...
Kam Figy's user avatar
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4 votes

Re-serializing on unicorn is not undoing changes

Actually; Reserialize means "Delete local files and take whatever is in Sitecore and serialize that to local files". Sounds to me like you may have been getting the terms mixed up. If you want to set ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
4 votes

How do I use the Sitecore CLI with Sitecore Cloud to serialize content?

Add reference: dotnet sitecore plugin add -n Sitecore.DevEx.Extensibility.XMCloud Then you should be ...
Alexander's user avatar
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4 votes

Sitecore serialization package installation removes custom roles

We encountered a problem very similar to your question. We started experiencing the issue once upgrading to 10.3 and CLI 5.1.25. In our case, the problem was caused by using a relative file path in ...
Mathijs Bannink's user avatar
3 votes

Do not colocate serialized items and serialized roles in the same folder

You can choose any folder. Just not one that is being used for anything else. The reason being; the Unicorn default datastore expects YML files of Items. Roles and Users are not items - the two ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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3 votes

Unicorn Sync configuration for Sitecore SXA site

You can't do that in a single file. Once you exclude children of root item you cannot, later on, include it back. You separate files for this, e.g.: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <...
Dawid Rutkowski's user avatar
3 votes

Unicorn Sync for Sitecore SXA site adding only new items

You can do this by using the NewItemsOnly evaluator in your configuration. You would need to setup multiple configurations for this tho as you can only use one evaluator per configuration. <...
Richard Seal's user avatar
  • 20.8k
3 votes

Where are the access rights stored for security roles in serialized files?

Security informations are stored on the item and stored in the __Security Field. This is a shared field and you should find it in SharedFields table. To get the value from database, you can trigger ...
Arvind Gehlot's user avatar
3 votes

Run serialize command from outside the Sitecore as a service

Sitecore PowerShell Extensions - Web API As pointed out by Richard, SPE comes with some ways to do this. You can find more details about the latest version of SPE Remoting here. For now we will stick ...
Michael West's user avatar
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3 votes

Run serialize command from outside the Sitecore as a service

There isn't anything OOTB that will allow you to hit a rest service. You have a couple of options: Sitecore PowerShell Extensions You could use Sitecore PowerShell Extensions remoting to do that ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
  • 20.8k
3 votes

"Not configured to allow writing data" error in Sitecore CLI (Sitecore 10.0)

This usually means that your .\sitecore\user.json file is not yet in your folder structure. I had this happen to me when I initially downloaded a project and tried to get things up and running from ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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3 votes

IAR Items Invisible in Content Tree But Exist

After a moderate deep-dive, this appears to be a bug in the IAR implementation. The short answer is that you need overlap between the database items and IAR items. Long answer below... The problem is ...
jrap's user avatar
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