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10 votes

Error invalid_grant when trying to serialize items with Sitecore cli

You just need to login into your Sitecore instance by running the following command from your project root folder. dotnet sitecore login --authority "" --cm "https://...
André Andrade's user avatar
7 votes

Can Sitecore 10 Content Serialization serialize users and roles?

No, this is not yet supported but is in the roadmap. (I am the Product Manager for the Sitecore CLI.) The documentation for the CLI and Sitecore Content Serialization is found here: https://doc....
nickwesselman's user avatar
3 votes

(***GUID***) attempted to be cached, but the cache already contained /sitecore/content/****

As per my knowledge, there is no cache setting that can help with this kind of error. As this is looking like a duplicate content issue. Before pushing the item, you should validate your content using ...
Sumit Bhatia's user avatar
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3 votes

Sitecore CLI Scope & AllowedPushOperations property equalents in TDS

Here you can find the Sitecore CLI option equivalents for TDS. TDS - ItemDeployment CLI - allowedPushOperations NeverDeploy Ignored DeployOnce CreateOnly No Equivalent Option Available ...
Sudheer Kumar Suggu's user avatar
3 votes

Pull items by language

It is not. Serializing an item that has no versions should still be possible however, you should bring this to Sitecore Support. All current options available to you can be found in the Sitecore ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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3 votes

Can not install Sitecore.CLI for Sitecore 10

I found the fix to this. In Visual Studio 2017 or 2019: Navigate to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings > Package Sources and remove the reference to Sitecore NuGet. This ...
Nikola Kramaric's user avatar
2 votes

How to ignore specific fields from being serialized?

The excluded fields feature is available from CLI 4.0 or later. You can add "excludedFields" in sitecore.json configuration file like that: "excludedFields": [ { "...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.2k
2 votes

Can Sitecore 10 Content Serialization serialize users and roles?

Based on Sitecore 10 documentation, yes - You can serialize security entities. ...
Tamás Tárnok's user avatar
2 votes

Sitecore CLI 4.1.1 - You are not authorized to perform the task you are attempting

The Sitecore CLI command that was failing was: dotnet sitecore ser pkg install -n dev -f "C:\deploy\content.itempackage" When I attempted to install the package from my local Sitecore CLI, I ...
Chet Cheeto's user avatar
2 votes

Why did SCS change branch template $name item paths to start with "_" instead of "#"?

This conversion from Dollar('$') to ('#') is occuring from the below code snippet inside Sitecore.DevEx.Serialization.Client.dll, which converts all the invalid file characters to '#' symbol. I ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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2 votes

DevOps build pipeline failing on SCS serialize/package step

Sitecore CLI 4.2.1 does in fact depend on .NET Core 3.1. .NET Core 3.1 reached end of life at the end of 2022:
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
1 vote

Excluding SCS Module config based on environment?

I believe the only way to achieve would be through excluding the module names when running serialization push command, on the environment where you would not like to sync the items within the module. ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.3 Content Serialization CLI SSL Errors

You can run the below command from the identity server and check for any errors. dotnet Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.dll From the current error you shared, it looks the certificate thumbprint is not ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Breaking content tree to separate modules with SCS

The reason you are facing this issue is because DescendantsOnly property is not supported inside the rules section, as TreeRuleScope enum supports only these types. In order to resolve the issue you ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting error while deploying SCS $name item via AzDo pipeline: "Unable to find item data for $name"

This problem can occur when you have different versions of the CLI involved in the process. Older versions serialize "$name" as "_name". Newer versions serialize "$name" ...
shivers999's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore CLI Scope & AllowedPushOperations property equalents in TDS

Sukesh, I have not used TDS much. So I will be answering SCS part of your question. TDS - ItemDeployment > NeverDeploy If you want to ignore a specific node in SCS, you can make use of rules ...
Vikrant Punwatkar's user avatar
1 vote

DevOps build pipeline failing on SCS serialize/package step

I agree with Marcel that upgrading CLI is the recommended way in most cases. But if for some reason you cannot upgrade, you can still install .Net Core 3.1 on build agent with the following task: - ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.2k
1 vote

Does a modified item found in the Items as Resources (IAR) file replace all fields in the database?

Yes, once you modify the resource file items, a copy of the item (delta) will be stored in the database. Even though it is called delta, it contains values for all fields and not just the updated ...
Ghan's user avatar
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1 vote

(***GUID***) attempted to be cached, but the cache already contained /sitecore/content/****

This error is usually caused by duplicated items in sitecore. I would check your preprod env. Most likely you'll find duplicates (in terms of items with the same name). You can delete the one which ...
benihamalu's user avatar
1 vote

Serialize parent as CreateAndUpdate but descendants as CreateOnly

Replace DescendantsOnly with ItemAndDescendants inside rules like that: { "name": "dictonary", "path": "/sitecore/content/Dictionary", "scope":...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.2k
1 vote

NU1101: Unable to find package SVS.Build.No packages exist with this id in source(s)

Please add the following source in the NuGet.config file with the developer collection feed and it would resolve the error. <add key="SVSComponents" value="https://sitecore.myget....
Gayathri Sriram's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore Content Serialization to include parent item as create only

Adding in an answer as I can't add json properly in the comments, can you try with the following? { "name": "SiteContent", "path": "/sitecore/content/ABCGroup/...
Cristi Vulturar's user avatar

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