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Unsuccessful login with external provider

I finally managed to get both Sitecore login (standard) and enduser login (Azure B2C AD) to work at the same time. I did a few changes and I am not 100% sure exactly which of them made the difference, ...
Hos's user avatar
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5 votes

OWIN sign-in links only working for SXA sites NOT configured in MapEntry of IdentityProvidersPerSite

There a few reasons why you are facing these issues: You are using the [Authorize] Attribute You are doing an own mapping Sitecore, Identity & Owin do work a little bit different that you would ...
Bas Lijten's user avatar
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4 votes

Login with multiple Identity Providers at the same time

using different domains for front- and backend is the most simple one. Cookies won't be shared between those domains.
Bas Lijten's user avatar
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Federated Authentication with ExternalCookie

Treat it as a comment. I don't have enough reputation to make a real one. Have you specified allowed sites for your external identity provider in the corresponding federatedAuthentication/...
Vyacheslav Pritykin's user avatar
3 votes

Migrate existing Owin implementation from pre-Sitecore 9

As already mentioned by Mark the best way is to use configuration from Sitecore. Keep in mind the following parts: IdentityProvidersProcessor -- here you can set your authentication settings and ...
Danny Paul's user avatar
2 votes

CM server Sitecore 9 Update 1 is hosted on the Azure with XP Scaled didn't see the owin.initialize pipeline

After play around in the config files, I found there is a flag inside the web.config where contains the <add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="false" />. I changed it to true value then the ...
Toan Vo's user avatar
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2 votes

Could not create instance of type: <my implementation of IdentityProvidersProcessor> No matching constructor was found

I think the code looking to instantiate your processor, is asking for the parameter-less constructor. Since you've not specified much around instantiation, this more or less has to be the case. 1) ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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2 votes

How to modify CookieAuthentication options in Sitecore 9?

Not sure if I understood your question correctly , but every middlewware can inject or implement its own cookieauthentication options. see below code and this questions - How to get Sitecore.Context....
Abhay Dhar's user avatar
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1 vote

OAuth Provider - Anonymous Authenticated User in authorize endpoint

It turns out it's all about the FormsAuthentication cookie (.aspxauth). Since FormsAuthentication is disabled in Sitecore CD, this cookie doesn't get created. I created it manually upon logging in and ...
TamerM's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.3.1 - Could not find property 'clearroleswhensignin' on object of type: Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Configuration.DefaultIdentityProvider

Took a look in ILSpy and it looks like there's a typo in the property name. It's actually "clearroleswhensingin" Solution: Change your config patch to <clearroleswhensingin>false</...
sitecorepm's user avatar
1 vote

Multiple OpenIdConnectAuthentications in ASP.NET Framework Authentication Types

The challenge you're facing is the differentiation between the AuthenticationType in the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions and the AuthenticationType in the ClaimsIdentity post successful ...
Jeroen Breuer's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore 10.2 Auth0 Login with post registration form: Cannot retrieve claims from User.Identity

In the propertyInitializer you can map claims, just like below code: <propertyInitializer type="Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Services.PropertyInitializer, Sitecore.Owin.Authentication"...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.2 Auth0 Login with post registration form: Cannot retrieve claims from User.Identity

Sitecore user (virtual or persistent) is created automatically when Federated Authentication processes the POST request from Auth0 back to Sitecore. If you want to ask users for additional information ...
Anna Bastron's user avatar
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sitecore federated authentication GetOwinContext() doesn't have authenticated user info

Without seeing your Federated Authentication setup it's a bit hard to guess what might be the problem. Could you check in the SecurityTokenValidatedAsync event what your identity is? For example: ...
Jeroen Breuer's user avatar
1 vote

Identity provider does not respect IdentityProvidersPerSite configuration

I ended up adding a check inside RedirectToIdentityProvider to stop processing if the request context was invalid for my site. I had to check for the presence of the site name in the URL as well as ...
Christian Hagelid's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore 9.0.2 with Azure AD B2C System.ArgumentException: idp claim is missing Parameter name: identity

I faced a similar issue and i came across this post which resolves the current issue: Could not find configuration node: federatedAuthentication/sharedTransformations/setIdpClaim Note: There might ...
Pawan's user avatar
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Could not create instance of type: <my implementation of IdentityProvidersProcessor> No matching constructor was found

It turns out, the class MyNamespace.MyOwnProcessor was referenced in another part of the config file - one where it didn't belong. Lesson learned - check for all occurrences of your type when getting ...
Emanuele Ciriachi's user avatar
1 vote

Unsuccessful login with external provider

The other answer wasn't clear on exactly the problem, I came across this in an Auth0 B2C integration and removing these from the IdentityProviderProcessor fixed it. I think these may already be ...
Mark Gibbons's user avatar
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OWIN sign-in links only working for SXA sites NOT configured in MapEntry of IdentityProvidersPerSite

In the end, I opted to create a page with just a controller rendering on it that handles checking logged in status, returning an HttpUnauthorizedResult if you aren't, which kicks off OWIN and the ...
Mark-Danney's user avatar

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