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16 votes

How to get the correct SiteContext for an Item when you only have the Item

Probably the most terse: string itemPath = item.Paths.FullPath; SiteInfo site = SiteContextFactory.Sites .Where (s => s.RootPath !="" & itemPath.StartsWith(s.RootPath, StringComparison....
sitecorerick's user avatar
  • 2,329
16 votes

Editing Content in Experience Editor in Multi-site configuration

In multi-site solutions, when you edit an item in the Experience Editor, Sitecore will by default resolve the site context using the value of the setting Preview.DefaultSite. It's located in Sitecore....
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
15 votes

How to get the correct SiteContext for an Item when you only have the Item

It's possible to determine the Site an item "belongs" to using the LinkManager. This is how Sitecore resolves links internally when Rendering.SiteResolving = true and expanding links or resolving the ...
jammykam's user avatar
  • 13.9k
14 votes

Cross-site links not resolving correctly in RTE fields on multi-site environment

This is a pretty common business-case in Sitecore multi-site projects, and fortunately there is pretty good support for cross-site links OOTB. If what you need isn't available OOTB or if it isn't ...
Zachary Kniebel's user avatar
14 votes

How to apply Site specific workflow in Sitecore?

If the workflows are not drastically different, you can achieve 'site-specific' workflow via content security. Step 1: Workflow security Create a single workflow definition with some generic access ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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12 votes

Site-relative datasource locations

Would that work for you? ancestor-or-self::*[@@templateid='{website-root-template-id-here}']/*[@@templateid='{shared-content-template-id-here}']/*[@@templateid='{contacts-node-template-id-here}'] ...
adragomanov's user avatar
12 votes

Site resolving without hostname

Seems like "working as intended", no? I mean - the way Sitecore does Site Resolving is, to work it's way down the list of defined <site> until it finds one that matches. And since your ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
12 votes

How to configure multisite in Sitecore Next.js application?

This depends entirely on your requirements. Separate applications would enable you to develop, deploy, and scale sites independently. Components and other code could be shared via npm packages. A ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
11 votes

Analytics.ClusterName in a multi-site scaled environment

Background The setting Analytics.ClusterName serves two main purposes: It is used as the identifier of the cluster that locks contacts in xDB; It is used by clusters to transfer sessions and jobs to ...
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
10 votes

How/Why would the scheduler website log attempts to access it's home page?

One thing to be aware of, is that in Sitecore's Site Provider, order of sites is incredibly important. If for some reason, your order has become unordered.. and the scheduler site shows up in the ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
  • 14.7k
10 votes

Is there any way to add the custom Link manager provider just for a particular site

There is no out of the box way to make custom link manager configurations scope to a particular site, however you could always include that logic in the custom link manager itself. You can make your ...
Zachary Kniebel's user avatar
9 votes

Sitecore Not Finding Home Page

Your website is not set up correctly in the <site> config node of the web.config Try to load /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx and search for <sites> Within <sites> look for the <...
Ruud van Falier's user avatar
9 votes

SXA Site Manager missing

This can happen if you follow the install guide and install Sitecore Powershell Extensions after installing SXA. When installing SPE, it will prompt about a scripts item already existing. If you ...
Mark Gibbons's user avatar
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8 votes

Options for sitemap generation on larger solutions

I have done this before by using a custom handler to provide the sitemap. In the handler I used the SearchAPI to pull a list of all items that are derived from a _Sitemap template and that have the ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
  • 20.8k
8 votes

Hostname not being retrieved for the website definition

It's lowercase hostname in your defintion. There must be capital N: hostName. Site attributes are case sensitive. Should be: <site name="website" enableTracking="true" virtualFolder="/" ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
  • 24.2k
8 votes

Sitecore MVC Routing and Virtual Folders

What I ended up doing is registering a single route on pipelines/initialize: <pipelines> <initialize> <processor type="MyFramework.Routing.RegisterVirtualFoldersRoutes, ...
vandsh's user avatar
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8 votes

Issue related to %20 in URL

As much as I hate to put this as an answer, but this is not a Sitecore issue. this doesn't fail: http://sitecoredemo/sitecore/service/notfound.aspx/%20/ neither does http://sitecoredemo/sitecore/...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
  • 14.7k
7 votes

How to add custom lang-region in sitecore system language

You need to follow next steps: Download Language Registration tool from Start the “Language Registration” tool Change ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
7 votes

Editing Content in Experience Editor in Multi-site configuration

The sites are recognized using hostname and virtualPath. If your users login to EE using hostname from mysite1 and edit items they are using following url: http://mysite1?sc_itemid={...} so Sitecore,...
Szymon Kuzniak's user avatar
7 votes

Issue related to %20 in URL

You can use URL Rewrite module for your issue : 1) Open the Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager 2) Select “Your Web Site” 3) In the Feature View click “URL Rewrite“ 4) In the “Manage ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
7 votes

How to manage domains in Multi-site environment with Sitecore PaaS

In Azure Portal, on your CD's (or other instances) you can add custom domains. Before doing so, you will need to add DNS records for those domains. You can CNAME them to the ...
Bart Verdonck's user avatar
6 votes

Preference of Multi-Site modules

I've put a lot of thought into how I might go about formulating an answer to this question. If anyone knows me personally, they'll know I'm pretty passionate about things that I care about, and ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
  • 14.7k
6 votes

How to separate site configurations among managed multi sites

Working multiple teams in one Sitecore solution is a question of discipline and organisation. By organisation I primarily mean how and where assets for the sites are stored and organised. To start ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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6 votes

Multi-Site setup and Single domain configuration

If you will have the same domain but different rootPath, you will need to make use of the virtualFolder and physicalFolder attribute in the sitedefinition.config. The virtualFolder and physicalFolder ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
6 votes

Sitecore multisite , multiple country/region and multilanguage support implementation

You can have two ways of doing it. First way If you will have the same domain but different rootPath, you will need to make use of the virtualFolder and physicalFolder attribute in the ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
6 votes

Best practice while moving Sitecore packages from UAT to Prod Server

When you say package, I am assuming you mean a Sitecore package ending in .update. If you mean a zip file from the Sitecore Package Designer, then option two below isn't valid. You always want to ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
  • 13.2k
6 votes

Moving Sitecore subdomain website to main website

As per commented by Chris, This is the correct answer. We need to mention physical folder same as virtual ...
Mohit Dharmadhikari's user avatar
6 votes

Sitecore client user login failed: You don't have access permission error

All right, your user will not be able to login to Sitecore while your don't assign specific Sitecore's roles. You have to assign at least the Sitecore Client Users role for user, so that they can ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
6 votes

SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE domain name in multisite

You'll want to set a <httpCookies> configuration in your Web.config that allows for a wildcard domain. This is done by specifying the root of your domain in the cookie. Note: that by changing ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
  • 14.7k
6 votes

SXA multisite question

Absolutely, it is possible. ISS binding -> Example site configuration I think you might have problems with sites order. Open Sxa Site Manager And make sure that you order them correctly ...
Alan Płócieniak's user avatar

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